Chicken trying to escape!!!


7 Years
Oct 24, 2016
Southern Indiana
I have 2 silkies and 3 bantams. Here's our set up and my recent problem ( look in the far back right of the picture) I usually let them out of the coop/ run area into just the chain linked area for most of the day but recently I started getting this brave girl getting up onto the fence! I don't want to net the top in because I won't be able to walk in there. Any suggestions. Will she wonder off or no?

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My chickens have flown (and sometimes walked) out of my run before but they don't go anywhere, they just hang around the perimeter. You could try clipping one wing on the potential escapee if you're concerned that she won't stick around.
Run a few thin floppy wires, starting at 3" above rail, along top of fence so they can't land on the top rail.
..or a foot or so of floppy topped chicken wire along top of fence...easy to jam some garden stakes into chainlink to hold chicken wire or wires.

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