Chicken twitching head


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2017
hello! Purchased 1 EE and 2 dwarf chickens. Have had them 2-1/2 mo, they are all about 5-6 mo old. The EE twitches her head when I speak to her - the dwarfs do also but not as much. She sometimes does it when I’m not talking to her. She does not scratch her head like she’s itchy from mites or something. Is this normal? Thank you all.
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I’ve got a couple that do it also when I talk I think it just shows they’re listening to me lol. But some do it other times maybe they’ve got something sticky they’re trying to shake off their beaks. Someone replied (when I had this question in the past maybe they are tongue tied somehow . Said they chechecked their mouth and it had a little thread wrapped up in there. hope this helps
I’ve got a couple that do it also when I talk I think it just shows they’re listening to me lol. But some do it other times maybe they’ve got something sticky they’re trying to shake off their beaks. Someone replied (when I had this question in the past maybe they are tongue tied somehow . Said they chechecked their mouth and it had a little thread wrapped up in there. hope this helps
Great! I will check that! I thought my voice was irritating her! (Which could still be the case, lol)
Maybe my voice is annoying as well lol it is Henrietta who looks like she wants to poison me in my sleep who does the twitching hahaha!
oh my gosh lol!!! What personalities these chickens have!! I love them!! They are all little darlings!
2D755C4C-33E0-4180-830D-E1022A90F6C5.jpeg Lol, this is my Henrietta, she is the queen of stink eye.
Maybe my voice is annoying as well lol it is Henrietta who looks like she wants to poison me in my sleep who does the twitching hahaha!

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