Chicken water nipples reviews?

i hope they work ,i,am sick of carrying water feeders out to coop.

They work great! No more dirty water! I fill up the buckets about every 10 days or so.

For the transition for your birds, the important thing is to remove ALL other water sources. Then wait till they get thirsty and go in and activate a nipple to release water and make sure a chicken or two sees you do this. It won't take long for one bird to figure it out, then the rest will soon follow. It took our chicks a couple hours for all them to figure it out and our adult birds took most of a warm day (some took 1.5 days). If you leave any other water source around, they won't bother drinking from the nipples if they can get water easier somewhere else. Unless it's 100F+ there should be no harm letting them get a little thirsty while they figure it out. Of course, if you have any sick birds, treat them separately...probably not the best time to teach them nipple watering until their healthier.
Great thank you I was wondering. We recently started using the poultry cups but the nipples are even cheaper. I think I will try to use some
Right you are! We just switched out little Buff Orpingtons from the standard chick waterer to chicken nipples-too them no time at ll. when winter hits and if it gets too cole, we use a pan of water. Weather warms up, back to the nipples.They will find the water source.
How did you get the water cups to work? I installed mine in a 5 gallon bucket but they don't fill up automatically. The float doesn't work unless I push it myself?
How did you get the water cups to work?  I installed mine in a 5 gallon bucket but they don't fill up automatically.  The float doesn't work unless I push it myself?

That's how they're designed to work. The chicken has to trip the lever to get water. Same idea with the nipples. They'll figure it out.
Just leave a little water in the bottom of the cup and when the birds go to drink it they will magically push on the float and more water will pour into the cup. It won't take but just a few minutes and all your birds will be drinking out of them. That is why the cups are so nice, they don't keep a lot of water in them to become dirty and cruddy. If you don't screw them in real tight you can spin them sideways and manually run some water in to flush em out when they do get dirty. You can always remove them by the clips designed to hold the cups on and clean them off the valve. If you keep them mounted high enough the birds won't kick dirt and stuff up into them and they seldom need cleaning, when it does only takes about 20 seconds each.

I just reread this and need to correct something. The yellow thingy isn't a float but a valve handle. If you think of it that way it might be easier to understand how they work.
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When the chicken taps it, the water is released. Try it-tap tap tap-see, every time you tap, the water comes out.nit doesn't spill or drip. The water is only released when tapped.

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