I am building an Aviary to hold 3 Grey Jungle Fowl. I have priced chicken wire from Home Depot, and half inch mesh hardware cloth. the Hardware cloth is 3 times the cost of chicken wire.
I bought chicken wire but have not used it. I keep working the pros and cons back and forth in my mind. I have read lots of comments about the weakness of chicken wire but am not sure my design overcomes all of them.
The bottom 2 feet and the top 1 foot of each wall is solid wood. 2X lumber nothing is going to go through that. I will install the chicken wire with staples to this wood and then place a frame of 1X2 over the edges of the wire. no edges will be left unsupported and sandwiched between the 1X2 and other solid wood. there will be no edges at ground level or at the top for predators to work at. I have not yet decided if I am making a solid roof or a wire roof but will most likely go with hardware cloth for the roof if it is a wire roof. I have found many comments that say if you use chicken wire make the bottom of the walls solid. then others that say predators will chew there way through chicken wire no matter what. At this point I can simply return the chicken wire and pay an additional $40 to have hardware cloth.
Let the voting begin. No need to explain your choice if you don't want to you can simply type cloth or wire if you want. I am simply looking for the majority vote on this. thanks
I bought chicken wire but have not used it. I keep working the pros and cons back and forth in my mind. I have read lots of comments about the weakness of chicken wire but am not sure my design overcomes all of them.
The bottom 2 feet and the top 1 foot of each wall is solid wood. 2X lumber nothing is going to go through that. I will install the chicken wire with staples to this wood and then place a frame of 1X2 over the edges of the wire. no edges will be left unsupported and sandwiched between the 1X2 and other solid wood. there will be no edges at ground level or at the top for predators to work at. I have not yet decided if I am making a solid roof or a wire roof but will most likely go with hardware cloth for the roof if it is a wire roof. I have found many comments that say if you use chicken wire make the bottom of the walls solid. then others that say predators will chew there way through chicken wire no matter what. At this point I can simply return the chicken wire and pay an additional $40 to have hardware cloth.
Let the voting begin. No need to explain your choice if you don't want to you can simply type cloth or wire if you want. I am simply looking for the majority vote on this. thanks