Chicken with dirty vent feathers, help!


In the Brooder
Sep 8, 2017
Hello there, newbie here!
I have three RIR-mix hens and after going back from a long trip, I found one of them has a nasty behind.
The butt feathers were covered in poop, but the cloaca didn't seem red or swollen. She didn't look very bothered by it.
There's no eye or nose discharge, she is eating good. But she hasn't laid an egg today and I've been informed that while I was gone some days we would get two eggs instead of three. So she seems to have some issues with that.
She's also having some very watery poop, but it's been really hot around here so I'm not sure if it's normal or not.
She is almost a year old.
Here are some pictures after I cleaned her up a little bit.

She pooped before I cleaned her, and this is how it looked like:

I read about Vent Gleet, do you think it's that? Any help is appreciated.


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I don't think so. How does worming work? What do you have to give them?
Do you think this is caused by worms?
You have to give them a deworming medicine orally...
Where are you located?
In the USA?
It depends on where you are located as to which medicines are available to use.
Not in the USA; I live in South America.
Thanks, I'll search for that. I'll probably pass by the vet and ask what I should give them.
Any other idea of what this may be?
Not in the USA; I live in South America.
Thanks, I'll search for that. I'll probably pass by the vet and ask what I should give them.
Any other idea of what this may be?
Great...a vet can do a simple test on some fresh poop to check for worms.
It just looks like a messy vent which can happen after having loose droppings. Some hens have a tendency to get this, maybe by anatomy if they have had diarrhea, but a poopy butt can become irritated and attract flies to lay maggot eggs. I would soak her bottom in warm soapy water, and rub it clean, then rinse and dry. Look also under her vent for lice or lice eggs which can cling to feathers. Most vets can do a fecal float to look for parasites, but that is not the only reason they can get a messy bottom.
Thank you! None of her droppings show any sign of parasites; and I don't think she has lice or any external critters, not a lot of scratching nor ruffled feathers, and they take lots of dust baths!
It's been very hot around here, around 38° Celsius, so their poop is super extra watery. Perhaps that adds up?
9 times out of 10 you won't actually see worms in their poop.
I would still have some poop tested.

I live in Texas where it gets super hot every year and I have never had poops like this from drinking too much water.

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