Chicken with eye problems


Professional Chicken Chaser
Jul 18, 2023
The Keystone State
My chicken Sweetie has had eye problems since she hatched in February. She is now 5 months old and still has eye problems. They are gloopy and closed up. The goop is clear/white and foamy. She gets grass and dirt in them too. Right now we are picking off all the dried up goop and wiping her eyes with a damp paper towel. I was wondering if there is something else I should do to make them stop. Thanks 😊
Welcome to BYC. Do you have any pictures? Use a warm wet wash cloth folded up used as a warm compress for a few minutes to soften the crust and goop. Sterile saline or eye wash can be used to flush the eyes, and wipe away the goopy material. Then use Terramycin eye ointment from a feed store. If you can’t get that, use plain Neosporin triple antibiotic ointment twice a day after flushing the eyes. Have you seen others with the eye problems? Are her eyelids swollen, or does she have other signs of a possible respiratory disease such as sneeze, rattly breathing, lethargy, or mucus from the nostrils? Tylosin powder for the water can be used to treat MG symptoms.
I am unable to get a picture right now but I will try that and see if it works. Non of the other chickens have it - just Sweetie. She is a mix breed is that means anything.

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