Chicken with sore on bum


6 Years
Jun 28, 2013
England , Kent
Today I went outside with the usually routine with my girls and one if them I saw had poo steamed bum feathers, after a closer look I saw clumps of poo, after washing it I saw black solid hard lumps, the bum area looks very sore and there is a milky fluid around that area.. I've booked vets today but I need to know what might happen when I go there and what it could be
It looks like vent gleet, can be treated at home with meds you use for yeast infection. (Miconazole)

Id soak her in a warm bath with epsom salt, or use Dawn to clean off as much as possible, will soften and can be removed. May lose some feathers around the vent. Dry her well, can use blow dryer but on low and keep it moving so don't burn her. Apply the yeast infection med to outside of vent and inside vent. If pooing a lot can be 2xs a day. I even put cranberry juice in water to help.

There could be bright red sores around vent so you will need to seperate her so the others won't peck at her bum.
Let us know what vet said!
Vets washed it down again and picked all the black bits off and it was red raw like blood, she said it had ulcerated and she had a slight prolapse, she's put her on antibotics,pain relief and anti swelling.. I've new in giving her slightly higher doses as vet said if it's not better on Monday then I've got to bring her in to be out down. Yesterday there was poo on the floor and where I separated her and put her in our old shed I layed newspaper down and you could see that there was watery blood stains absorbed on the news paper where it had come from the poo, had a look at her just now and it's still the same but with small puddles of bright red blood, but when I touched it, it was like jelly, I've worked out that it's got a lot worse but do you know why it's like jelly? Thanks for all your help

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