Chicken With Swollen Eye- Ideas, please? -Gross, but not necessary Graphic Photo Warning


Jul 15, 2020
Hi all,
I have an 8 month old Amerucana hen with an extremely swollen/bulbous eye. I actually posted about her when she was just a chick, as the issue was starting then. This is not an injury case. At a few days old, we noticed that her left eye was 'bugging' out a bit. I couldn't find anything with researching except that it could possibly be Coryza. I isolated her then, treated her for Coryza, but there was no change. I put her back with her flock mates as I was certain she must have a tumor and wouldn't live very long. She was perfect and active in every other way but her eye.
Flash forward 8 months (see photos). Her eye gets worse, but in spurts. I'm posting now because it's been changing more quickly and now we're seeing the 'bubble' in her lower eye. Does anyone have any ideas of what could actually be wrong with her so that we can try to help her?
Aside from her eye (which she is blind in, we are pretty sure), she is active in all other ways. Because of how distended her eye area was as she growing, the side of her beak on that side of her head grew so that it doesn't close all the way, but aside from being messy when eating and drinking, she has no real issues with her quality of life.
A few more specific details: -8 month old, Ameracuana Hen- named 'Buggles'
-All of the swollen, raised/red area is soft. It's actually squishy to the touch.
-Right now her eye is bubbling/leaking a bit, but this is part of what's changed quickly.
-Though I have a seperate area for her to sleep in, she still sleeps in the coop with my large flock and is around the other chickens all day. No other chicken has ever shown any sign of any eye issues, so I don't believe it's contagious.
-Aside from the antibiotics when she was a chick, we haven't done much for treatment aside from occasionally flushing her eye and applying an antimicrobial eye ointment if her eye appears extra irritated. Neither seem to make any difference. Today, with noticing the change, we attempted to use a needle to drain the bottom 'pocket' of the area, through the outer skin. It was very difficult to keep her perfectly still, of course, and so we were only able to prick the skin and not draw anything out. A little clear liquid came out of the needle spot, but that was all.
-Buggles eats well (layer and all flock), lays eggs and has no poop issues.

Thanks again! I really appreciate your expertise! -Steph
Poor thing. I do think a tumor or cyst may be a possibility. It would be hard to know without a vet or pathologist looking at some cells withdrawn from the area. It may be something that could be diagnosed after death with a necropsy by your state vet lab. With a swollen pus-filled eye, you probably could press out some pus from the sinus cavity from around the eye. I can’t find the older thread, but a couple of years ago, a man was suspecting a swollen face and sinus infection in a year old rooster, but it did turn out to be cancer, unfortunately.
Wow. Normally I'd think there was some pus somewhere in there causing the swelling, but it almost looks more like a cyst inside the skin and if this has been going on since the beginning I really don't know what to think.... Sorry I'm totally useless on this one!

@Eggcessive @azygous @Wyorp Rock Have you seen anything like this?
No worries! I appreciate you taking a look/read.
Poor thing. I do think a tumor or cyst may be a possibility. It would be hard to know without a vet or pathologist looking at some cells withdrawn from the area. It may be something that could be diagnosed after death with a necropsy by your state vet lab. With a swollen pus-filled eye, you probably could press out some pus from the sinus cavity from around the eye. I can’t find the older thread, but a couple of years ago, a man was suspecting a swollen face and sinus infection in a year old rooster, but it did turn out to be cancer, unfortunately.
Thanks for taking a look! We tried to press out any pus or other material, but there was nothing like that to come out. I've thought all along that it was a tumor, but since she's lived almost a year already with this, I started doubting it. I just wanted to be sure that if there WAS anything to do to help her, I wasn't being negligent. At least, she's living a very high-quality life: free-ranging, being with her flock and being babied by me with special meals every day etc. Thanks again!
I had a quail who had a swollen eye similar to this. It was a couple of years ago so it's hard to remember the details. I don't remember how long she lived with it. I ended up getting her to a vet and they determined it to be a tumour of some kind. I gave her eyedrops and antibiotics for the infection, but she eventually passed away.

I don't really have any advice. I hope your hen can live a long and happy life.

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