chicken with swollen eye


7 Years
Jun 18, 2014
So I came home today and noticed one of my buff Brahma's has a swollen eye. I noticed she stays away from the flock. She is eating and drinking. I do live in the the woods and there are alot of wild birds here. Can anyone tell me what to do or what it could be? When I can I'll try to get a pic when she goes into roost. Thank you.
We'll maybe she still is a hen then. She might be reddening up as her hormones prepare her for coming into lay. She also may have got a poke or bug bite in which case you could try a cool wash cloth on her for about 10 minutes or so repeat a few times throughout the day. See if it will bring down the swelling.
Oh thank you so much. It still looks the same every thing I 've been reading did not sound good. They were saying maricks disease bacterial infection virus. I'm just scared. I'm hoping it's just a bite or something or that nature.

ok here is a pic of her swollen eye. What should I do?
That looks like it could be a respiratory disease such a mycoplasma gallisepticum, coryza, or others. Are there bubbles or foam in the eye? Coryza is aid to have a foul odor and produces thick yellow nasal secretions. The symptoms of MG may respond to antibiotics such as Tylan 50 injections 1 cc given into the breast muscle 1/4 inch daily for 3 days with a 22 gauge needle. Use a clean needle and syringe each day. Coryza is best treated with sulfadimethoxine or sulmet. These diseases may remain in the flock, and make carriers of all that are exposed. Closing your flock would be best, since selling or giving away birds or hatching eggs would be careless. Below is a picture of suspected coryza. Here is a good link to read about the diseases:

Is there any discharge from the eye or nostrils? Any foul smells? If not it is probably just irritated in some way. I noticed my roo will swell around one eye when their pen needs cleaned bc he is the most sensitive to the ammonia build up. Have also had one that had a very small cut that was difficult to see that made the whole area around the eye swell like in your pic too.

I just took this pic now. She doesn't smell any different she does not have bubbles by her eyes. There is no discharge it does look a little better today and less red. I'm thinking maybe she got a cut or scrap or she got stung or bit. I'll keep posting on the status of her eye.

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