Chicken with worms on poop

It's for mites, as he stated before
Whatever.. DE should still work.. and I have to do my preps, and worst of all. I have too wash dishes before this turns into a junkyard.. You see I no longer have help. It's just me, 35 chickens and two dogs.. and they don't wash dishes. Catch Y'all on the flipside 20 alerts later.. Take care peeps. OMG!
If you wouldn't mind pictures would be great!! :D
Haven’t seen more but later I’ll go out and check we left her in and one poop had them I swear they where moving and the other poops looked normal nothing in them but why let my guard down. So I’ll say they got worms. Hope this doesn’t come out me being mean.
Glad it's your money to waste. You'll learn eventually that it wont prevent nor treat worms. Been there, done that with DE a long time ago.
A lot of people have told me not to use it so I bought Prozap instead and killing mites, lice and also serves as a dewormer sounds to good to be true

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