Chicken won’t go in hen house at night

My flock on average are 70 days old. There are 12 of them and at night they huddle out side the hen house and I have to pick each one up every night to put to bed about 9pm. They aren’t afraid of the house. It’s completely predator proof and they go in and out all day long. They are getting heavy and I don’t know how to get them to go in by themselves.
Check the house for lice in all the little nooks and crannies
Do you think that’s decent ventilation?

My simple test for adequate ventilation:

In the middle of the hottest part of the day go into the coop or, for a small coop, get your head and shoulders in there. Is it hotter than it is outside?

If yes, you need more ventilation.

I have 10x20 inch windows on every side with hardware cloth covering to allow airflow from every direction. I also have drop down wooden window covers I can close and latch during winter. Their perch is high enough they can look out in the mornings watching for me to bring breakfast. Good luck with them.
I have 13-week old chicks that I transferred to a coop after they were 4 weeks and the weather warmed. When it was time for them to go in, I stood in the coop with mealworms and did my special chickie-boom call. Four of them came in eagerly. The two stand-offish Wyandotte’s were more hesitant, so after I sprinkle a small handful of mealworms, I go out and the other two go in. Then I can close the coop hatch.

Now anytime I go in the coop, those 4 chickens will come in just to see if it’s mealworms time.
Now anytime I go in the coop, those 4 chickens will come in just to see if it’s mealworms time.

I'm trying to train my chicks to come for mealworms but they aren't really crazy about mealworms. LOL

They'll come to me in their coop/brooder for green weeds but I don't know how I'm going to get them out of the nice, green grass in their pen once I start letting them out.

I’m laughing..the irony..I made a chicken house out of a little tykes playhouse w a safe run underneath and they loved it for 4 b other built me a Cadillac one that is also elevated. They won’t lay their eggs in the new one. It’s been 4 months now. I finally got them to come inside after free ranging by feeding them near dusk when I want them to go inside..I shake the feeder and they run inside. Maybe a treat? Will work for you? But I think bear has a good house has no windows (I plan to put one in) but it does have removable/replacement metal vents that run 1/2 of the top area on both sides and the girls..they can be found on the roost that runs between the vents when it’s warm. And AFTER I duplicated the nesting boxes to be identical to the ones in the little tykes...just last weekend...they now lay their eggs in the new house. Be patient...
Try putting a bit of normal chicken food in a dish and getting it wet.
Chickens seem to love it.

I have no idea why--it's the just the same usual stuff, but wetted with water. But after the first few times, they will come running when they see the dish, and gobble it down as if it's the best stuff they ever tasted! Easy for me, healthy for them, not too expensive--it's become my default for attracting chickens anywhere. Plus, they cannot pick it up and run off with it, the way they do with some kinds of treats. They have to stay put to eat it.

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