~ChickenBook~ (A "Facebook" type chat thread for your chickens!)

Puffy 9/13/16
Wow! Tweeter that sounds so scary! Glad you ate it though!
I know, cleaning the coop can be hard, especially when it's hot outside!
Tweeter 9/13/16
Yea i know,i'm sooo daring,then u have to share you coop with your 4 sisters,but life ain't always easy at top of the peckin' order. ahh, yes.

6 months
Black sex link pullet
Hello everybody!! I can't believe I waited this long to join! I can't wait until I'm highest in the pecking order! Every time I try and tell Dolores (One of the White Leghorns who is (of course!) highest in the pecking order, )mom tells me to stop. Whats everybody up to? Today it was soo hot! I did take a very cool dust bath though! Its was really relaxing. Mom told us to go to bed early tonight, so I have to go; talk to you later!
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Puffy 9/13/16 @henny1129
Princess 6 months Black sex link pullet @RodNTN About: Hello everybody!! I can't believe I waited this long to join! I can't wait until I'm highest in the pecking order! Every time I try and tell Dolores (One of the White Leghorns who is (of course!) highest in the pecking order, )mom tells me to stop. Whats everybody up to? Today it was soo hot! I did take a very cool dust bath though! Its was really relaxing. Mom told us to go to bed early tonight, so I have to go; talk to you later! :frow
Hi! You're so pretty! I bet that dust bath was nice! Don't wanna get ya in trouble, so good night! :frow



Hi! You're so pretty! I bet that dust bath was nice! Don't wanna get ya in trouble, so good night!
Comment: Thanks! Mom told me that everyone says that!
Your telling me! I loved it. I hope mom gives us a cold treat today. What are you doing today Puffy? I can't wait for the cooler weather, mom told me it should cool down in a few days. I love all of the leaves that are falling off of the trees! Do you have any sisters?
Puffy 9/15/16 @henny1129
Princess 9/14/16 @RodNTN
Your welcome! I'm not doing much, just sitting on what my mom calls unfertile eggs, I still hope little chicks will hatch though! My mom doesn't mind if I sit on them though because we just got a wormer and my mom and her family can't eat our eggs for a while. Yeah, I have two Buff Orpington sisters and two Easter Egger sister. :) I'm the oldest! But not the highest in the pecking order, Henny and Arlo (Easter Eggers) are. I love all the selfies guys! Tweeter, my mom is obsessed with emojis!

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