~ChickenBook~ (A "Facebook" type chat thread for your chickens!)

Tweeter: 9/20/16
hiii Jasper

6 Months
Brown Leghorn Pullet
I'm a sorta short lady if you would like.
I have a sister named Laverne (may or may not join) and a very handsome fellow which my mother hasn't named yet! I DO NOT like being held what so ever!!! I hate it! Yet, my mom ALWAYS tries to and she always seizes the chance when I'm roosting.
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Update (???):Hey guys! I'm on the roost. It's so dark in here!
Before I go Back 2 bed I want to show you the really handsome guy in the flock!

He's a little young in the picture but I guess the younger you are the better you look!....Or is it the other way? Oh well.
Butt Nuggets! I've woken up Tilly -above me- Gtg! Bye!
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Name: Sansa

Age: 7 months

Breed: Golden sex link (hen)

Your username: RRLaney

A little bit about the bird: My name is Sansa Stark and I'm one of the newest additions to my mom's flock along with my sister Myrcella. We live in the coolest coop in the yard "Hen's Landing" with 6 other hens. My favorite food in the whole world is grapes, I don't like to share with anyone and if mom doesn't feed them to me fast enough I just help myself cause I shouldn't have to wait! I'm also the most curious chicken ever! I have to be underfoot at all time. I like to be with mom when she's cleaning the coops or collecting eggs or playing fetch with the giant fluffy rooster (German shepherd) that watches over us. Nice to meet y'all!
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Name: Sansa

Age: 7 months

Breed: Golden sex link (hen)

Your username: RRLaney

A little bit about the bird: My name is Sansa Stark and I'm one of the newest additions to my mom's flock along with my sister Myrcella. We live in the coolest coop in the yard "Hen's Landing" with 6 other hens. My favorite food in the whole world is grapes, I don't like to share with anyone and if mom doesn't feed them to me fast enough I just help myself cause I shouldn't have to wait! I'm also the most curious chicken ever! I have to be underfoot at all time. I like to be with mom when she's cleaning the coops or collecting eggs or playing fetch with the giant fluffy rooster (German shepherd) that watches over us. Nice to meet y'all!
Tweeter 9/(i have no idea what day it is)
Yum! welcome to Chickenbook! ooohh, I like grapes,But not as good as grape tomatoes!
Tweeter 9/(i have no idea what day it is)

Yum! welcome to Chickenbook! ooohh, I like grapes,But not as good as grape tomatoes!

Thanks Fluffers! I agree, mom is growing a ton of grape tomatoes but she fences them off so I can't get any unless I ask really really nicely! It's easier to help myself to some grapes, then I don't even have to share with my sisters cause they haven't discovered the magic bag that grows grapes!
Thanks Fluffers! I agree, mom is growing a ton of grape tomatoes but she fences them off so I can't get any unless I ask really really nicely! It's easier to help myself to some grapes, then I don't even have to share with my sisters cause they haven't discovered the magic bag that grows grapes!
Tweeter 9/22/16
the garden in the yard is fenced off too. But i still sneak in and eat the leaves of the green bean plant and ruin the dirt nicely placed along the carrot patch :)
Jasper 9/22/16
@The Duck Ladie
We have three drakes in our flock, but Miel's the best looking one.
Isn't he handsome?!

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