Chickens and fleas

If so, would I see them around chickens eyes or? A vet told my sister chickens don't get fleas. I'm not sure if this is true or not.
Chickens should not get fleas based on the fact that parasites are very temperature sensitive and don't like to be on a host that has the wrong body temperature. Dog and cat fleas prefer about 101 degrees. A chicken's body temperature is around 105. Humans, on the other hand, are closer to 97 degrees. For that reason, you might find dog and cat fleas on a human or chicken if there is no other food source, but you shouldn't find a flea infestation on them.

Chickens are more likely to have lice or mites. Mites can be red or brown and are very tiny. Lice tend to be a light brown or yellow color. Fleas are larger and darker than lice and mites, so it should be easy to tell them apart.
Ok thank you! Our dog had a bad flea infestation 4 months ago. I have given her a flea pill that did not work. I am now on the second dose of frontline. I don't notice any on her but I think I see flea dirt on her. She has been confined to the garage for a couple months and I still find a few fleas every once in a while in the house. Our dog has been in the house since we got her 9 years ago. I thought maybe these fleas are coming from the 10 chickens we have as we just got them last spring and have never dealt with fleas before. But I have not noticed any on our chickens or around their eyes. I'm very frustrated to say the least!
Greetings from Kanas and
! Pleased you joined our community! Great advice from ochochicas! Best wishes and hope you get those fleas under control!
fleas are fast and move all over the body, they don't stay in one place. That's why flea collars were born many years ago, sooner or later in the day every flea(on the dog) would get near them. They can jump quite a distance too. Just thinking about them makes me itch.
I stayed over at a friends house many years ago, and was surprised by her cat laying with me on the sofa. I thought maybe he actually liked me. Should have known better. When I got up I found dozens of little red flea bites . I hope they left with him.
G’Day from down under MHokanson

While your dog may not be going outside to pick up the fleas, something might be bringing them in to her.

I am not questioning your chicken keeping but invariably if we have chickens we risk having rats or mice too; both of which could be transferring the fleas to your dog, may be in the garage if you have boxes etc they could be hiding in.

Chickens also get stick tight fleas which can be passed on to dogs and cats.

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