Chickens and kittens?


11 Years
Jan 5, 2013
Not sure if I'm posting in correct area but... I have 6 kittens that are 5 weeks and 6 weeks and ready to go outside and play. My chickens kind of run the place. Lol. They take food from the other dogs and cats and occasionally attack them if they dont want to give up their food. My concern is Im not sure if the chickens will ''play'' nice with the kittens or if they will attack and kill them. Anyone have any thoughts? Keep them in or safe to put out?
We got kittens that were alittle older maybe 14 weeks and when they were allowed out they were scared of the chickens (they were great mousers and I was worried for the chickens actually)-- our chickens are wusses (Jersey Giants) and will just crowd around the cats and finally one hen will give alittle peck at the cat by which time it disappears... The cats hang out near the coop and chicken yard b/c the scattered feed attracts rodents and they have been great at catching at least one a day....
Bigger issue is that for awhile they were pooping in the chicken yard/ dust baths area and I caught the hens eating it! YUCK.... I caught one cat mid poop and scared the heck out of him.... and as the kittens grew up... they seem to poop elsewhere these days...
Also the cats and chickens have room to avoid each other-- we have 2 acres and the chicken yard is a small fenced off area with gaps underneath so the hens go out and forage in our pasture for much of the day-- they aren't all crammed into a small yard together...

Food for thought!
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The animals try to stay out of the chickens way as much as possible. They rarely go near chicken pen cause they get attacked. My barred rock hen is actually in charge (dont tell my roo) and she has a very It's my way or the highway attitude with all the other animals. They let her eat what she wants most times cause when they try to take their food back she attacks. Lol... I will introduce them slowly. Maybe only let them out in a kitty pen while Im out until they get bigger. Thanks!

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