Chickens and your Health?

Moose The Ameraucana

8 Years
Jun 19, 2011
I have heard that some people get really sick from chicken poop (like from inhaling it). I live in Seattle and I have looked up stuff and im not finding anything thats I just being paranoid or should I be concerned about breathing in their poop?
Well as long as your not allergic, not putting the poop up your nostrils, and wearing a dust mask when you rake out the pens or coops I would say you'll be just fine.

There has been some studies on indoor birds and humans having lung problems, but they are constantly breathing in the birds dander and everything else all the time.
Yeah plus it usually says people who are at risk are imunosuppressed or something and I havent been sick for like 2 years and im just paranoid
I'm a respiratory therapist who specializes in pulmonary function.

I you were to spend your days working in a commercial hen house, there is serious risk.

Most people who have very brief exposure to a small backyard flock will not have significant problems.

When ever you are going to do anything that stirs up dust in the chicken coop, wear a high quality well fitting dust mask.

If you have a history of lung problems such as asthma or chronic bronchitits, you should take extra precautions.
Thanks I just have 4 chickens and I use a mask but I only have to take out the tray not get in the coop or anything so Im just not sure its to risky hopefully not...and ive never gotten any flu or any lung problems ever that I can recall
Make sure when you clean a dusty coop you cover your nose and mouth with a mask or scarf. You don't want to be breathing that stuff.

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