Chickens are asleep. What are you doing?

Thanks. I probably shouldn't be this emotional but at 7.5 months pregnant and already extremely upset about other things it's hitting hard. I even told her if she wasn't going to listen to what I had to say then I wasn't helping anymore and didn't want to hear it when the rest get killed. I'm usually not so harsh but I just couldn't deal today.
I understand that.

Last week I had so many little things happened that I was just grumpy and moody for days. I even annoyed myself with my mood.

Hope things get better for you.
Thanks. I probably shouldn't be this emotional but at 7.5 months pregnant and already extremely upset about other things it's hitting hard. I even told her if she wasn't going to listen to what I had to say then I wasn't helping anymore and didn't want to hear it when the rest get killed. I'm usually not so harsh but I just couldn't deal today.

Sorry that happened. :hugs Sometime's the people who just won't listen have to learn thing's the hard way.

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