Chickens are AWESOME! Never would have thought it!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 29, 2013
We live in Georgia and due to my son's middle school ag project decided we would build a coop. My husband has always wanted chickens and I have not been interested. UNTIL we bought our first 3 chicks (road island reds). I was amazed how curious and independent they were. They made us laugh and then cry when our dog thought one was a toy...bad mistake. We purchased a group of 3 more. One silkie, & 2 game chickens. The silkie took my heart. We are in city limits but have large yards and friendly neighbors so we can have a few hens, no roosters. Well our silkie was a rooster...sold him and one of the game hens yesterday. It has been hard getting rid of him! We did purchased one Buff Orpington and one astralope (spelling?). They are so pretty but I am concerned since they are in shock right now with a new home! I hope they are as sweet as the others when they settle down.
Alright and
great to have you on board with us

Sounds like you are living and learning the chicken life


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