Chickens are on "LOCKDOWN"

Imagine they were pigs or cows, or a beloved dog. Would you let them just run around, then?

I dont mean to be a sourpuss, or hurt any feelings. I apologize if I did. But sometimes you gotta get past that to say what you know is right.
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I haven't had a chicken problem in my garden, but I have had a cat problem. Aside from fencing in the garden area, the best solution I've found is to put down chicken wire on the soil before I plant seeds or seedlings. If the holes are too close together, you can nip out a few wires. The plants will grow up happily through the holes and the cat can't dig. It might not help you this year, but problems like that don't go away. Good luck.
Gosh, I really hate to say this, and I may be displaying the first signs of dementia by saying this, but I almost agree with Elderoo. Oh my, I better make an appointment with a medical professional.
Gosh, I really hate to say this, and I may be displaying the first signs of dementia by saying this, but I almost agree with Elderoo. Oh my, I better make an appointment with a medical professional.

Naw, dont bother, kiddo. Just stick with me.​
@ BH
The thing that has worked over here is that one section of the yard is "no chickens allowed" by means of fence (lattice in some places for looks) attached to the house if you see what I mean. We've chosen to have the front of the house and both sides as NO chickens, available for vegetables, as well as the berry bushes, lots of perennials, etc.

The back yard, only, prob about half of the property, maybe less, is open to poultry. They stay in their run in the morning, and we let them out for about half the day, if possible, or when the kids gt home from school. That has cut down on insae amount of poop on the chairs, etc, while still letting them get plenty of greens, and letting us enjoy how beautiful they are when ranging. They still go home to the coop on their own around sundown, and then we lock em in.

btw, for some reason, they dont seem to bother purple spiderwort, which is technically a weed but is about my fave flower. So you could put nice clumps of stuff like that where they are allowed just to make it pretty and all.

I should say that we live in town and this is not a giant lot by any means. The point is we havent had to fence off the flowers, which would make no sense, I agree, if you're really a gardener. We just fenced off a giant area, built to the sides of the house, and made that chicken land.

Works for us.
That's what I'm going to do. Sort of. I'm going to put a fence from the front corner of the garage across the yard to the other side. I've got too many gardens myself and I won't let kids in them, let alone chickens!
You can also buy netting that goes over the flowers but doesn't show up much against the green of the plants.

I am a plant addict, collector, and master gardener. I also have many dogs, and I will have a nice sized flock of chicks once I get moved. My delicate plants are going in fenced paddocks at my new property. One of those areas will never have any dogs or chickens in it; the other MAY have chickens in it under supervision, I haven't decided yet. The main large fenced yard (around 1 1/2 acres) where the dogs will spend most of their time will contain mostly tough plants that the dogs can't trample and the birds can't mangle if they do wander there occasionally.

If you've got multiple interests, you've gotta get used to juggling the consequences of their interactions. It can get complicated keeping everything safe and happy!
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Maybe put some fake snakes in the flower beds?
LOL It probably wouldn;t work... but hey, it was all I could come up with

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