Chickens aren't laying and it is spring....


6 Years
Sep 25, 2013
All 5 of my girls stopped laying pretty much at the same time. I got a single egg for a few days and then none. I haven't seen an egg in almost 3 weeks. I thought I had something getting in the coop but I check through out the day and nothing. No particles of shell where they may be eating them. Fresh water and layers feed and the typical table scraps.... and still nothing. All their habits seem the same. They aren't molting. So I don't know what to think.

Any help would be grateful.
Temporarily, till things get back to normal, I'd switch from layer feed to a higher protein grower feed. Something in the neighborhood of 18%.Also stop the table scraps except for meat and fish. Animal protein is far superior to the vegetative and synthetic stuff in most chicken feed.
A protein boost can help ovulation.
Since they're not laying they don't need layer and the excess calcium can be causing kidney issues.
At least that's what I would do in similar circumstances.
It doesn't take much to boost the protein. Usually, unless you're a vegetarian, just your meat, fish and cheese scraps from meals may be sufficient. Going from 16% layer to an 18% is often a sufficient boost.
Meat and fish are somewhere from 50-80% protein so it doesn't take much.
If you don't have those types of scraps, one of the cheapest yet still high quality animal protein is canned mackerel.
veggies and fruit are OK but they don't contain protein and if those offset much of the intake then you can be dramatically reducing their protein.
Animal protein is superior because it contains a complete complement of amino acids.
I also have 5 girls...and one is in molt. I'm getting 1 egg every other day from one speckled! I've upped their protein, changed their diet, given them more 'one-on-one' time (lol)...even took my big ORP to the vet...she's now the healthiest $200 chicken I own...and they're still slackers! They even have a chicken 'pool' to stand in! I guess, when they're ready, they'll go back to laying...soon, I hope! I am noticing a few extra feathers perhaps their cycle was thrown off with the infrared heat lamps in late winter. No matter...I love 'em! :)
So far as the sounds awful, but I feed the girls cooked chicken. You can get it in a can...but be sure to rinse well as they don't need the added sodium. Black oil sunflower seeds are also a favorite and chopped roasted peanuts they love! I stay away from dark fish as it makes the eggs taste funky, but the sweet flounder works well! And don't forget the plain yougurt!
... I stay away from dark fish as it makes the eggs taste funky...
What eggs?

Sorry, I know that was mean but I couldn't help myself.

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