Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

Yep, all that folks need to know is if they want to draw out the comedienne in me and if they want me to increase my post count (which is the same as credibility -- not to be confused with fallacy), then just piss me off.

BTW, the capital in Boise is beautiful. Me and my ignorance skooled at him chilrens (not to be confused with kids, beasts of goats) we all been to thet thar capital and we's been on the house and senate floors. Uh huh.

Nice steps for a protest . . . he he he. Call the local news station/problem solvers to cover the "Make it a felony to own a vacuum!" and "Stop! Abuse by Chicken" sign holders . . . and then afterwards we can go to this cool little political/gay/vegan cafe. On second thought, we should go their first. We could find more folks eager to protest.

I like Boise . . .

I could go post signs at all the feed stores, farm supplies, and Zamzow's! Stop! Abuse by Chicken! I see those "LABOR DISPUTE" signs all the time in front of businesses. I could stand with a "CHICKEN (and vacuum) DISPUTE" sign too. Maybe even a STOP! No carpet in bathroom!
I don't have carpet in my house, but I'm not on a carpet-witch hunt. (Let's keep this real and meaningful. Let's stick with the real issues and not go off on tangents.) The vacuums are the real problem. May I remind you of the "evidence" you flaunted in your OP?

I like these sister issues: "Stop! Abuse by chicken" and "Vacuums carry diseases!"

*chants the rally cries*

Stop! Abuse-by-Chicken! Make-owning-a-vacuum-while-owning-a-child-a-felony!

Stop! Abuse-by-Chicken! Make-owning-a-vacuum-while-owning-a-child-a-felony!

Stop! Abuse-by-Chicken! Make-owning-a-vacuum-while-owning-a-child-a-felony!

*Goes to add signature line . . . *
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As you said, ignorance is no excuse. I have no excuse for my blatant disrespect of authority by assuming they wouldn't notice such obvious evidence of my direct exposure to disease to my child with a vacuum in the open.

*hangs head in shame*
My daughter calls that "booby trapping" She says I do that in the freezer all the time. She opens it and things fall out. Sometimes those stupid sausages slide right off the top!

Oh crap. I've incriminated myself again!
As you said, ignorance is no excuse. I have no excuse for my blatant disrespect of authority by assuming they wouldn't notice such obvious evidence of my direct exposure to disease to my child with a vacuum in the open.

*hangs head in shame*


*places dunce cap on vacuum-wielding, abuser-by-chicken*
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I'm off to sleep off my ignorance. I will reflect on what I have learned today about vacuums, abuse by chickens, and more.
Since I've gotten into chickens I've become aware that many people consider them filthy and disgusting animals. Where do people get this idea? Hmmm I don't get it. My chickens are quite fastidious and spend a great deal of time grooming each day. Now my really disgusting. If anyone in the house vomits they will race to eat it. They regularly delight in snacking from the cat litter box and relish a good roll in the feces or carcasses of other animals. They lick their own butts, each others' butts, and even the cats' butts, and they'd gleefully lick my butt if I let them (no I don't let them!). They like to dig in the garbage when they can get away with it and will eat just about anything, the smellier and more putrid the better. They have on more than one occasion gobbled up used tampons that my boyfriend's teenage daughters failed to dispose of properly
And these are cuddly house dogs who sleep in our beds each night
Dogs will be dogs. But chickens are filthy and disgusting? What a bunch of claptrap!
seriously? wow I will make sure my DH stops picking on all those nasty drug dealers and thieves and murderers and go for the single white woman with kids cause they are easier pickin.... I best make sure he stops trying to arrest the worst kind of criminals and keeping you safe when he does so, maybe I should send him to work with a six pack and he can just hang out and pick on some poor innocent woman as you suggest. You should know right? you go to work with them every night and know their job inside and out. you are there when their partner gets shot in a gun battle with a deranged drug addict right? what was he thinking...he should have been picking on some woman instead of that dang drug dealer!! would have been much easier!! boy he is going to have some explaining to do when he gets home!! I would not sit here and worry so much if I knew he was just picking on woman! dang!

MEOWCLUCKBARK I am sorry you ended up having to deal with an idiot CPS person. I really do hope it all works out in your favor. they are supposed to be here to protect abused kids, not one that has two baby chickens in the bathroom for crying out loud. I would be pretty ticked off too. but it sounds like you have lots of credibility and that guy might end up looking like the arse he is. Dont back down!

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