Chickens + CBD + Eggs

Lol well I pretty much am a drug expert. cannabis anyways. CBD does not get confused with THC in the test. The reason CBD users getting positive THC test results is because they are using a massive amount of full spectrum CBD tincture or smoking tons of CBD flower which by federal law is allowed to have no more than like .05% THC which is minute but in large enough quantities will show up on a test.

The drug test doesn't even test for THC, it actually tests for a thc metabolite that CBD does not break down into.
I'm so glad there is an expert here!😊 Thanks for sharing all this! I guess we should have researched it ourselves when the employer said the test would detect/couldn't differentiate between the whole plant family. So I'm glad to hear this isn't actually true. I will check with my dad on what exactly the bar contained, as now I'm wondering if he bought a granola bar from someone it may not just be CBD like he originally said. And he does have a medical card. Thanks again for your help sorting this out!
To the best of my knowledge, the chances of CBD from a granola bar making its way into the eggs through chickens are extremely low. The digestive system of chickens is quite different from mammals, and they metabolize food differently.
To the best of my knowledge, the chances of CBD from a granola bar making its way into the eggs through chickens are extremely low. The digestive system of chickens is quite different from mammals, and they metabolize food differently.

However, to be on the safe side, you might want to consult a local vet.
If you're looking for more information about CBD and its various aspects, you might find some useful resources at

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