Chickens Don't Do Daylight Savings


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
Not only being up an hour earlier hard on the people, the chickens don't understand it AT ALL.

I hauled the water down to the coop and found everyone still on the roosts. One of the boys crowed at me, but the girls just gave me the eye as if to ask "Why are you making so much ruckus while we're trying to sleep?"

Over in the brooder one of the chicks was at the edge and visible, the rest were all tucked under out of sight. When I put the feed and water back then stuck the dish of wet mash under the lamp the chick I could see blinked once and ignored both my hands and the mash.

I know exactly how they feel. I'm a morning person, but very much set into my routine and my body doesn't adapt easily.
The change doesn't affect me too much; one day and my body is ok. I used to LOVE DST when I was working, because I drove to work in the dark all year, except it was twilight around the summer solstice. So the extra hour at night was great.

Now that I'm retired and have chickens, it messes my day up a bit. I wish they'd pick one and stick to it. I think I'd prefer DST, but not sure how I'd feel about 9 am sunrises in the the winter.
I’m retired and it STILL throws me for a loop! We have a hardwood tree farm, so most days are up before sunrise and done around sunset. The chickens don’t have much to adjust to as their door opens automatically, their food is in Grandpa’s Feeders, and they don’t care what time I come out to scoop poop and be their own personal jungle gym. 😂🥱☀️
Arizona doesn't play that game--we side with the chickens. It does mess with us a little that other states do it, because the hubs teleworks with an AFB in San Antonio. At some point, he just told them to expect his work hours to "change" when they did their DST, which means we don't change at home at all.

I never thought about how it would affect chicken routines!
I think I'd prefer DST, but not sure how I'd feel about 9 am sunrises in the the winter.
😮 I now very much appreciate that I am on the other side of the time zone! If they go to DST only, my latest sunrise will be 8:17.
At some point, he just told them to expect his work hours to "change" when they did their DST, which means we don't change at home at all.
I am VERY fortunate to have a boss that lets me set my own hours so in the summer I show up early and in the winter a little later. Sunrise after 8 is a little late though, so I guess I will be feeding the chickens with a headlamp at the end of 2023. I do think I prefer that to a summer sunrise time of 4:45am if we went to permanent standard time though🤣😴
😮 I now very much appreciate that I am on the other side of the time zone! If they go to DST only, my latest sunrise will be 8:17.

I am VERY fortunate to have a boss that lets me set my own hours so in the summer I show up early and in the winter a little later. Sunrise after 8 is a little late though, so I guess I will be feeding the chickens with a headlamp at the end of 2023. I do think I prefer that to a summer sunrise time of 4:45am if we went to permanent standard time though🤣😴

Not to be political, but I'm in favor of no daylight savings ever.

I consider it fundamentally arrogant to redefine Noon other than as the time when the sun is highest in the sky and, on principle, I resent being forced to lie about that reality on a moral level.

If people want more free time in the evening there is such a thing as "summer hours" and businesses can adopt them as they please. :)
😮 I now very much appreciate that I am on the other side of the time zone! If they go to DST only, my latest sunrise will be 8:17.

I am VERY fortunate to have a boss that lets me set my own hours so in the summer I show up early and in the winter a little later. Sunrise after 8 is a little late though, so I guess I will be feeding the chickens with a headlamp at the end of 2023. I do think I prefer that to a summer sunrise time of 4:45am if we went to permanent standard time though🤣😴
We're up at 4:30 every morning for work and to start the day--our body clocks are permanently messed up, I think. And during the summer I have to get the dog out and have her walked by 5:30 or 6 in the mornings or she gets too hot. It's not hot here, but she started getting overheated at 70 degrees in the sun. (Half Great Pyrenees and LOVES snow.)

You are fortunate to set your own hours!

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