Chickens don't like new feed


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 19, 2009
I have 3, 19 wk old BLack White Polish hens. I switched them to laying pellets on Sunday, and I don't think they have eaten a bit of it. They have been on starter/grower since hatching. Will it take a while for them to adjust to this new feed?
You should keep them on the grower until they are laying, but I would think mixing the two would be a good idea. Just add more and more of the layer as time goes by until they are eatting it.
Mix it, but be carefull mine seem to dig down to get to the crumbles instead of pellets, so if you just keep feeding them mix they will just waste all the crumbles. If they get hungry they will eat.
My DS bought starter feed on accident my chickens didn't want to eat it so I mixed it with pellets and they didn't have a problem.

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