Chickens dont seem to like the layer pellets.


9 Years
May 23, 2010
15 weeks old,,just changed food a few days ago from grower to Layer . The layer comes in pellet form. They sure dont seem to like it too much. With grower they would empty a tray or 2 in a day,,with new layer pellets not even eating 1 tray a day.
I feed them garden veggies also,, so they are not starving,but have always done this.

Has anyone else had this problem?
Hmmmm??? Maybe I can make the 40lb bag into crumbs.
Im going to give it a try until I buy the next .
My spring chicks are about 16 weeks and still eating chick starter-grower. When they are down to about 1/3 of the bag, I will mix layer crumbles in it to transition them over, then gradually get them onto the pellets by the time they are 20 weeks. No eggs yet, at least I haven't seen any. Must get those nest boxes up!

My older hens eat the pellets, and have no problem with them. I think the chicks just don't like something different. Try mixing a little scratch or cracked corn in it, and I bet they will eat it. You could try breaking them up, but be careful you don't end up with powder instead of crumbles.

Good luck!
Same with mine. I ended up mixing the pellets with crumbles till they were gone and then stuck with crumbles.Spoiled I guess
I agree with your plan. I never gave it any thought until now and didnt realize I bought pellets until too late. I'll let you know if the pellets break up without turning to powder.
I will also go buy some crumbed layer feed and work it in.
Thanks for the help.
You can mix some layer crumbles with the layer pellets. It's the change the birds are not sure of. You can always mix the grower crumbles with the layer pellets. Since the birds aren't ready to lay yet that would be fine.
I had the same problem but they eventually started eating the pellet. I had 2 feeders for the longest time.... one with pellets and one with crumbles. They seem to waste less with the pellets.
yeah, you can mix the crumble in with the pellets. it takes the chickens we have/had a while to start eating the pellets. and i'm not sure if they ever prefer them to anything. it seems to be a last option for our chickens. anything but the pellet!

our chickens have started eating less of the pellets b/c they are eating bugs and grass.

there is a cracked corn type for laying hens, but my experience is that they throw half of it out on the ground while eating. they don't throw the pellets around.

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