Chickens/ducks for sale week of 0ct 15. - houston texas (UPDATE)


12 Years
Jan 30, 2007
Rosharon, TX
first, as a proud mom, i'd like to let everyone know we won at the beaumont fair with our polish and mottled houdan. my son came home with a blue ribbon and a big trophy.

i have the following for sale this week.

silkies - approx 4 mos, all $7 per pullet except the cockeral which is $10.
black pullet, buff pullet, white pullet, blue pullet and splash cockeral. (ALL SOLD)

cochins - ranging from 9 wks to 3 mos. - $7 - $9
dark blue, lavender and barred. (Lavender's are all SOLD)

buff orpingtons - 9 mos old- $12 per hen

dominique hen - 6 mos old - $11 (one left)

three pairs of ameraucana/easter eggers - 9 mos old - $15 per pair. boys are red/yellow/green in color, girls are buff.

production red hen - 9 mos old - $10 (SOLD)

phoenix cockeral - silver duckwing - $10

muscovey ducks - straight run - 3 mos old - $10

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That is great that your son won, I bet he was so proud. I want to get my 5 yr old into showing animals. Great for responsibility and for his confidence. I would love to have a pair of you ameraucanas, but way too far to drive. Guess I have to wait for spring.

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