Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Newbies need to recognize.
I follow on this thread mostly and the heritage thread and glance through the Cornish threads every month or so. Don't even go to the other threads at all and will never again, just too much irresponsibility and fluff. I don't to much care to read all those mundane childish post that seem to rule this entire forum. I would much rather talk to folks who have had birds for longer than a weekend and are older than their birds LOL. That is probably why we run off track sometimes, this is the only place we hang and enjoy a little humor and sometimes even some good lifes lessons, and guessing from the loyal following others come her for the same reason.

So for the guy who doesn't want to visit about other subjects such as family raising, child disipline and older tride and true methods..........or whatever it is we choose to discuss, go somewhere else and read and leave us alone to do as we please. But don't try to muscle up and turn this thread into what you think it should be !!
Thanks for saying that. I didnt feel like I had the clout to pipe up on the matter.
Child rearing wisdom / chicken rearing wisdom, the knowledge on this thread is PRICELESS. My last spanking was at 14. It was my job to get my 5 year old sister and myself off to school each morning without waking Momma. One morning my sister was giving me difficulties and Momma, now woken up, stomped into the kitchen and slapped my sister across the face. I was protective of my sister (to this day she says I raised her). Without even thinking, I slapped my Momma across the face. That brought everyone up short; she just looked at me and said wait until your father gets home. So of course I was spanked for slapping my Momma for slapping my sister. The spanking thing never made sense to me and I never spanked my kids. Applied calm logic and patience, like Bee mentions above, consequences, like "if you slam your bedroom door one more time, I will take it off its hinges and put it away" (only had to do that once with my son and it made enough of an impression on my daughter that she won't ever test the rule.) My kids know their place in the family and what their "jobs" are (to behave, never give us a reason not to trust them, to get the best grades they can and do their chores). As long as they are doing their jobs, they reap the benefits of the family and its privileges. My son is 22, senior year of college and my daughter is 15, a high school freshman. They get good grades, no drinking/drugs issues, my son never missed a curfew and I never had to beat any of the rules into them. I grew up with spanking and I turned out OK; my kids grew up without spanking and so far they've turned out OK. At the end of the day, I guess it's just whatever you're comfortable with and works for you. I don't spank my chickens either, lol.
OMG ITS HAPPY HEN DAY TODAY !!!!! Guess what I found in the coop just now ????

My first ever egg !!!!

This just made my night after a horrible migraine at work & 12 hours at work.

They just turned 30 weeks old this week & I really thought I was not going to see an egg till glad I dont go in till 11 tomorrow so I can see if I can figure out who laid the 1st egg :) It wasnt in the nesting box but on the ground below it in a hen crop circle they made. I was wondering if all the hen crop circles I saw in the coop & run was maybe from them getting ready to I dont know what I am going to do with it lol Might just blow it out since its my first egg ever
First eggs are so will always have first eggs now. Every time you go out into the coop and find a *different* egg, it will feel like this.
Remembering to be cautious on this subject like Fred recommended, I'll still offer this story.

Our third grade son, our oldest, got into a phase where he would not get dressed in the morning to get ready to catch the school bus. We lived in suburbia and I was already gone to work by this time. He knew how to read a clock and my wife would give him a warning at the appropriate time.

After a couple of days of this, she gave him one warning at the right time then carefully said nothing else about it. When it was time for him to go outside to wait on the school bus, he and his clothing went out the front door and that door was locked. He tested her one time a few days later and got the same result. She never had that problem with him again.

We had three boys. Each one was different. Some responded better to certain rewards. Some responded better to certain punishments. In either case, there needs to be an action and a consequence, it needs to be consistent, and it needs to be tailored to the child. Being a parent is an act of biology. Being a good parent takes work and thought.
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