Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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That he does. Al, could ya stop showing all the coop candy?? I am having to wear a bib here to catch the drool....
I can't even remember that last time I was that attracted to a guy.
Lord your birds are beautiful Al. I first saw that monster of a roo over on the 'flogged' thread and I've loved your birds ever since!
ETA: - not the WR above, gorgeous as he is, I was refering to the cornish monster you got into it with!

Thank you EVERYONE for the compliments and critique on my birds - I REALLY appreciate it, and it is good to know that I must be doing SOMETHING right if I can get any compliments at all on good old hatchery stock. Makes me very happy and it really means A LOT. I credit it ALL to what I have diligently learned here, in the HLF thread and in the FF thread from all of you sage, REAL WORLD chicken keepers. I read them religiously and take notes just as if I were taking a college course and preparing for a final exam. And I apply every bit of it. Y'all help me take small, individual flock keeping to a whole 'nother level. I refuse to be labeled a 'backyard hobby chicken keeper' - we have 70 acres here and I plan on this being a darn fine small chicken operation one day after I learn all I can to make it so.

We just got the kids off on the road again, sad to see them go but it was such a wonderful treat to get to see them at all I can't complain - we thought it would be after the first of the year before this particular daughter and SIL could make it down to see us.
Thank goodness I get up there fairly often!

So funny - I took several pictures and downloaded them all so the daughter could go through them before she left and get the ones she wanted. She came out of the office after going through them and said 'Mom, I got the pics I wanted. You have a disturbing number of chicken butt photos there - care to explain?"

I had to try to make her understand that I took them for my 'online-invisible-friend-mentors' so they could see them. She just looked at me weird and said 'you belong to an online chicken butt watching club?'
I tried to explain, but I think the more I talked the more skeptical she was.

Anyway, with that said - here are a couple of the finer hatchery butts I have in the crew. There are actually some a little better, but they were far afield free-ranging when I took the pics. Oh, and one more gratuitous grandson pic because it DOES have a chicken in it, after all...

Any of them worth a hoot?
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Ok I'll stop, Bee............. don't want to get you all lathered up now would we heheheheheheee.

Bee and that WR sittin in a tree........... K..I..S..S..I..N..G............. LOL you remember singin that as kids Jules heheheheee.

Not a real good pic and he's a little out of condition cause the weather was a little nasty last spring.
Just a pic to show the width and stoutness these Cornish can achieve, you could put a boxing glove through those legs. That is son of Hulk, he's camera shy.
:love :drool :drool

Scuse, you guys can all go drool over whatever you like. I'm going to drool over that roo!
hmmm, some of them don't look as nice and wide in the photos as they do up close and personal - must be because they were so worked up trying to get the scratch that the grandson was tossing for them - maybe I'll try a redo tomorrow or the next day.
It was their 'tents' I was trying to capture.
All the same bird but your question is misleading as different breeds have a different tail set and bred depending on what the breeder has probagated regarding tail set. For these they are to the SOP to the T for WR's. I might mention he is a top winner in the show circle so this may not be a good example for utility birds or common stock. He just looks Regal.
O.K. NOW I get it! Thank you!!
Ok I'll stop, Bee............. don't want to get you all lathered up now would we heheheheheheee.

Bee and that WR sittin in a tree........... K..I..S..S..I..N..G............. LOL you remember singin that as kids Jules heheheheee.

I never sang it but sure did get it sang at me a lot. I went to a very small grade school~ lot's of boys tryin' to kiss me and stuff. I could beat them all up, run faster and I always had the sharpest pocket knife. They STILL were trying to kiss me!
Some guys never learn....

Yes, Al..don't get me lathered. I'm too old for that stuff.
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