Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Minchi I wish it said WHY...I did Google but still no why...don't know,maybe you can find a reason I'm changing search engines though since Google has declared to censor all inquires regarding firearms, I will no longer be using Google. Does anyone use a better engine?
Minchi I wish it said WHY...I did Google but still no why...don't know,maybe you can find a reason I'm changing search engines though since Google has declared to censor all inquires regarding firearms, I will no longer be using Google. Does anyone use a better engine?

Well I guess I will be joining you in that one, I suggest Bing.

Awesome...thanks for the great advice. I am glad to hear yours are kept in the same coop/run and it is not an issue. I do like the idea about the dog houses in the run. That will work great for when they get older!
Hey, y'all!

Since today was pretty much a bust anyway, and the kids have gone to see their parents for the weekend, I drug out the old plasma cutter and a sack full of tin cans I'd been saving. I cut designs in the sides of the cans (complete w/ rust...I think they call that "patina"), mostly just cut slanting cuts from the bottom of the can to the rim. Then I cut a hole in the bottom, which will now be the top. I then put my hand in each one and pushed out the sides a little to make the cans "squatty." Next, I drug out an old string of Christmas lights, unscrewed the bulbs and put them through the hole in the top and screwed the bulb back in...I hung the whole string in my chicken run! All the bulbs are white, and they do not twinkle, but they're pretty cute and the rusty can "globes" of "shades" sure do go with a chicken coop!

I tried to go back and find who wanted the twinkling lights, but can't find it. Anyway, this one's for you! I took a pic. w/ my phone, but can't get it to download...have to wait for the kids to come back! LOL!
Hey, y'all!

Since today was pretty much a bust anyway, and the kids have gone to see their parents for the weekend, I drug out the old plasma cutter and a sack full of tin cans I'd been saving. I cut designs in the sides of the cans (complete w/ rust...I think they call that "patina"), mostly just cut slanting cuts from the bottom of the can to the rim. Then I cut a hole in the bottom, which will now be the top. I then put my hand in each one and pushed out the sides a little to make the cans "squatty." Next, I drug out an old string of Christmas lights, unscrewed the bulbs and put them through the hole in the top and screwed the bulb back in...I hung the whole string in my chicken run! All the bulbs are white, and they do not twinkle, but they're pretty cute and the rusty can "globes" of "shades" sure do go with a chicken coop!

I tried to go back and find who wanted the twinkling lights, but can't find it. Anyway, this one's for you! I took a pic. w/ my phone, but can't get it to download...have to wait for the kids to come back! LOL!

You can txt it to your e-mail address and then download it from your e-mail. (or wait for the kids ;) )

Not! I tried. I guess it's floatin' around in cyberspace somewhere. My phone said "message sent" but computer hasn't received it. I am so technologically "challenged" it's pitiful. Actually, I think the word is actually "intimidated!" haha!
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