Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Mine aren't pork lard like Al's mix, but it has the same seeds and it's a great source of fat for these skinny birds. I'll see if my sis is going to butcher any hogs this year and see if she will get them to save her the fat.
Well if it's a pet peeve, no one will answer my questions. So there isn't much point to uploading, now is there?

I will try if they are adult chickens.

Yeah I agree with Walt, will give it a shot when they are adults, there are way to many threads avail to post what breed or gender is my 3 day old mystery hatchery mutt. And all that really gets accomplished there is everybody saying how cute it is and congratulating you for whatever 400 breeds they think it is. It serves you much better to seek advice once people in the know OT's can give you sound advice.

Bee was just trying to explain that this thread topic is just a tad different than your run of the mill unicorns & rainbows threads, where random postings of questionable info found in numerous other threads serves those posters better.
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Mine aren't pork lard like Al's mix, but it has the same seeds and it's a great source of fat for these skinny birds. I'll see if my sis is going to butcher any hogs this year and see if she will get them to save her the fat.

I use the lard when it's available in bulk cheaply, I also really like to use old stale vegetable or corn oil from the deep fryers and daily use type frying leftovers that would normaly go into the trash. Top dressing with this liquid gold really brings out the beauty in your birds if you have purdy birds that is LOL.

LOL yeah I don't buy or make or use those whacky pie treats everybody speaks of, My birds are built like tanks and are voratious eaters with no manners. They remind me of fat people at an all you can eat buffet, asking when more food is going to be brought out LOL. My birds just inhale food and then look at you as if to say where's the Beef LOL ?
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Bee was just trying to explain that this thread topic is just a tad different than your run of the mill unicorns & rainbows threads, where random postings of questionable info found in numerous other threads serves those posters better.

I'm not getting the info I need in the other threads, I hope you can help me. What bedding is best for my unicorns, gossamer or corn silk? Also, I free-range my rainbows, but I can't get them to come back to the coop at night. It takes me hours each evening to round them up and herd them in, How do you train them to come home? Maybe I'm not feeding them right?
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Yep! We don't mind a bit being helpful and all but I don't know that flock management threads are the best place for discussing "what is my breed?" Unless, of course, it pertains to how you would need to manage said breeds.
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Also, I free-range my rainbows, but I can't get them to come back to the coop at night. It takes me hours each evening to round them up and herd them in, How do you train them to come home? Maybe I'm not feeding them right?
Gargoyle, are you laughing in my direction????? I know you wouldn't laugh at me! I have had chickens for about a month now, and I'm trying sooooo hard not to screw up! You're just going to have to allow me to be nervous over them for awhile until I can embrace "all that is chicken" and get relaxed with it! I am trying hard to "let them be chickens" but I haven't attained the mindset, yet, that they are just chickens. I am sure it will come.

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