Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Have faith Al. You have a great woman that will obviously go through hell to stand by your side.
Many on here would do anything they can to help.
A horrible thing to lose your very basis for what you do.
Thoughts are with you.
L. I don't know what to say. :hugs This is a huge loss few would understand. SO sorry.

Now go give that good ol' boy with the dogs a :smack like they never had before. Yay for wife who at least sent 2 to hell. Here's hoping the rest get to a really hot place too.
don't know how I found this thrread, but I still have plenty to learn, been chickenin' 2 years now. Howdy y'all.
Well the news is true and it's not good at all, last week I lost 12 of my best show birds to a pack (5) of unruly uncontrollable dog's who's owners live in the next section over. I had my cornish in my new breeder conditioning complex and they were coming along very well for this fall/winter show season, and the ones who I selected to be future breeders and fill orders from, they also just happened to be previous show winners. I had my first show scheduled for yesterday and already entered several more this year. I almost never lose birds and never lose any at all to preditors, these dogs were big, mean and on a mission, I was away in town at a jobsite when my wife called and said she was headed out to there cause she saw them near the pen's. She just got out of the hospital from surgery and couldn't move very well. She tried to beat them off with a 2x4 and they left for awhile, but came back 30 minutes later and even more determined. She went out there with the shotgun and was able send 2 to hell ripping out her fresh stitches from the shotgun bless her heart, the others came back but she couldn't even leave the house at that point and watched helplessly as they killed the rest of my show flock.

I got home as fast as my truck and these country roads would let me, but I was to late. I left the birds and took her back to the hospital to get checked out and, came home called the county boy's to come out and file a report, I documented everything and now have all of my affairs in order. The owners of the dog's have already gotten the summons and court is next month, they don't have any $$ so I hope the judge will do what ever he can. My show season is obviously shot and my breeding program is in the crapper for many many years to come, I have nowhere to get replacements as most of the better cornish guy's get their show/breeder stock from me. I am seriously considering throwing in the towel, this has been a little tough so I am going to settle down and wait till I can regain my composure and see where Iam with all this.

This is the complex as I call it where I condition my show birds, and also the sight of the carnage.

Anyway there it is, I haven't posted much because I am still in shock and trying to figure out where my chicken deal will go from here if at all. enjoy your Sunday folks.

So sorry to hear this, It looks so secure how'd they get to them? again so sorry and hope your wife is doing well after it all.
Al, despite the fact we do not know one another, I feel terrible for your loss. Many, no doubt, are hopeful you will awaken one day soon and decide to go about the business of rebuilding, or building anew, your program.

And, your wife is my hero!!!
Al, sorry to read this news, I'm sure you will sort things out and with that good woman by your side it will be easier. My thoughts are with her for a speedy recovery.

Chickens have been a big part of your lives for a very long time, no matter what you decide you've been a big part of the community for many years before BYC and I'm guessing you will be for many more.

Dan B
Al, That just sucks! When Michael mentioned it on the Okie thread, I had no idea how devastating a blow you had taken. Surely Hulk was not in that condo pen? Your wife is made of gold and I pray she has a speedy recovery from both her surgery and her ordeal.
Dragon lady, do you sell/ship chicks? I really love the way the BOs look out on the green grass. And I did research the breed and understood them to be very good dual purpose birds. Would love to get some better stock to replace my duds. If you don't sell, any suggestions where I might get some good'uns?
Thank you!

I do not ship eggs. I will be selling some juveniles in the early spring though.All my girls are bred to Monty, my imported English Buff Orp.Many lines of Orps have been crossed on Rocks since the last imports 50 or so years ago. This cross will bring back the deep keels and solid gold coloring of the old Orps. I hope. The first chicks from this back cross are showing the deep keels and great width of the origional Buff Orps.You can see Monty's photos on my page. Bear in mind that these are all very young birds, Monty, big as he is, included. The pullet on my avatar was just a baby when the photo was taken. She has blossomed into a proper English pullet at 7 months, and her chicks look wonderful. They are 100% pure Engliish.

If you'll PM me, and let me know where you live, I'll try to find someone closer to you if you do not want to wait until spring.
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