Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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The problem with the pelleted poison is that it doesn't stay where you place it and the rodents carry it off into nests and other places where pets and chickens can get it. That's why I advocate the bar poisons instead...they are heavy, cannot be carried off to other locations. Placing pellets in a PVC T is not going to do a bit of good if the mice carry the feed out of the PVC.

My mother got her winter boots out of storage where they were supposedly sealed in trash bags and placed up on a shelf in the outbuilding....found one boot with a huge amount of BOSS inside it. Darn mice are storing up for a hard winter, so I'd advise poisons that have to be eaten now and not carried off and stored for later.
That is a very positive note. You either have organic or regular old run of the mill pesticide riddled feed. I would stock up with as much as you can afford. The 8 goes for human food as well. And if the human food has corn syrup then its likely GMO. Some say as much as 94% of corn in America is GMO right now. 49 Countries have banned GMO so far. Ive been hearing rumors that GMO kills chicken fertility by the third generation. I asked if anyone else heard that but got no response. also, in fruit and veggies if the upc (ex:sticker on an apple) is 4 digits it is regular pesticide riddled and if the upc is 5 digits it is either organic or GMO. So look for the 8. Even Arrow wheat bread, marketed as healthy and natural, has 8 in the upc of all of their types of bread but 2. Their website does not deny it either. We gave up our favorite bread and now buy the homemade they make at the store. GMO, It is a big experiment and could lead to worldwide starvation. If you really want to friek yourself out look into what companies are buying all of the organic companies up- and fast too. I'll stop now.
What about the wheat flour your bread store makes it's bread from? Did you think about that. Most of Wally world's fruit has 4 digets and no taste. I try to buy locally grown fruit or grow my own !
Old but not an OT, newbie chicken keeper with lots of hawks around. We strung fishing line circus-tent-fashion from a tree in the chicken yard to the fence surrounding it. Can't tell you that it works for sure, but a couple days ago a big old hawk flew over the yard and coop, only a couple feet above the lines. But that was cool -- above the lines.
Thank you that may work for me, great idea
The problem with the pelleted poison is that it doesn't stay where you place it and the rodents carry it off into nests and other places where pets and chickens can get it. That's why I advocate the bar poisons instead...they are heavy, cannot be carried off to other locations. Placing pellets in a PVC T is not going to do a bit of good if the mice carry the feed out of the PVC.

My mother got her winter boots out of storage where they were supposedly sealed in trash bags and placed up on a shelf in the outbuilding....found one boot with a huge amount of BOSS inside it. Darn mice are storing up for a hard winter, so I'd advise poisons that have to be eaten now and not carried off and stored for later.
I wasn't going to put pellets in the pipe. I'm planning to find the poison bars you talked about and put them in the pipe. I might switch to plastic traps using peanut butter. They work well here in the house and no need to touch the dead mouse. Just planning.
What about the wheat flour your bread store makes it's bread from? Did you think about that. Most of Wally world's fruit has 4 digets and no taste. I try to buy locally grown fruit or grow my own !
Chillen, you are right up my alley. Their consumer bag has no 8 on the upc and I made her drag out a flour bag from the back and it does not either. Snopes might be right or might not. Other sights say it is the 8 at the end and I've seen a lot of upc wth 8 as the last number so to be safe I avoid front and back. lol. Didnt mean it like it sounded.
I would never have thought a hawk would go in a pop door. And be that crafty in general. I would have expected them to be flying overhead and swoop but not laying in wait, getting impatient, hiding on the roof and then right in the coop.

Same here. I am not at all surprised the hawk would case the joint and lie in wait but I would have bet against it going into a building through a small door if for no reason other than fear that it could be trapped. I have assumed that my birds would be in danger from aerial attack only when outside. I was expecting that hawk to dive bomb a chicken when it came out into the run.

Learn something new every day.

okay, that was pathetic and somebody shooting guns in the background. Those poor chickens must live in the land of Stupid.

The shots could be some distance away, no? I didn't catch exactly what she said. My chickens hear gunshots with some frequency. The only gun I've ever owned was a BB gun when I was a kid but one neighbor about 1/4 mile away has a range out back of his house. Usually sounds like hunting rifle caliber stuff but every once in awhile he must get out the elephant gun because that is one loud report.

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