Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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This thread would be absolutely nothing if it weren't for all you old poultry guys pitching in, Al. Seriously. And everyone knows that...the years of wisdom and experience you all brought to the table is priceless and cannot be bought, taught or written about in some chicken book.

When I first saw how many old timers were out there on BYC I was surprised and dismayed....surprised that there were actually some out there, dismayed that there were so few. That is why I started this thread...the power of a few OTs out there in all those posts was like using a sprinkler to put out a brush fire~just not happening.

To create a thread and fight to keep it open so that any OTs could present their knowledge in one place and newbies could ask them directly about the myriad things they wish to know, without having to search the whole forum to help them, was an opportunity that couldn't be missed.

I hoped against all hope that the wise OTs of the forum would actually participate and a handful actually did....and magic happened! Newbies started to interface with oldsters and information flowed...information that would have otherwise been buried in various and sundry threads all over this huge site.

I knew it wouldn't work if it were just folks asking me things. I have years of experience but it's limited to just a country woman's experience with plain ol' yard birds and very little money. I do things tight and frugal, with little leg room for other methods out there so it was good to have many different OTs with a multifaceted approach to the same old story.

I was extremely honored and tickled pink when OTs actually stepped in to help and contribute! It was what I had hoped for but never expected to happen. I know that me and all the newbies probably take it for granted that the OTs are going to help with all the questions everyone asks~ but I urge everyone to realize and know that this is nothing short of miraculous to be able to "live next door to a helpful OT" mentor right here on BYC.

I'm humbled and honored that you OTs stuck it in there with me on this thread and saw the value in educating a new generation of flock owners so that maybe that knowledge won't be lost when we are gone. From all the reports, those who were serious enough about their flocks to apply the knowledge have benefited from it greatly and will continue to grow in wisdom as they learn their own flocks and methods along the way.

We love you Al!
And Fred, Walt, Dragonlady, Ridgerunner, MFB, and, and, memory ain't so good, old timer, you know.

For all you newbies who learned something from Fred, Al, Walt and all the other contributors here....please raise your hands in the air and give a shout out to all the OTs who may have helped you this year with your flocks. Show them some LOVE!!!!

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Just stoppin' in to say HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE all the input here! Thanks to Beekissed for starting it - thanks to the OT's that participated.

I was just thinking the other night that now, when I see a new book advertised on raising chickens, I always end up thinking, "I've learned so much from the OT's and I have such a good resource to get questions answered, that I don't need another book." Then I just pass it over and thank God that I found y'all.

And thanks to all who have shared and taught us newbies!
[COLOR=0000CD]Happy Birthday to the OT thread!  One year old![/COLOR]    

It is nothing short of miraculous to have time-honored chicken folk with wisdom, advice, encouragement, and admonishment -- all as needed -- for the herds of us chicken newbies, and only a couple of finger-taps away. Hey, you're magic genies!

Seriously, heartfelt thanks to all of you for being willing to help people, some so clueless (cough-me-cough) that they'd never seen a real live chicken up close before stuffing way too many of them into the cutest little dollhouses, then wondering what went wrong, with little to help them except the variety of antibiotics at the feed store and veterinarians who wonder why people keep bringing dinner to their door for treatment.

In other words, THANK YOU ALL!
I have only had chickens since April this year. I have learned so much and I know without a doubt I have a healthy flock because of what I have learned here.
Thanks so much.
Thank you! I love that chicken and duck garland idea! I am concerned about the thread. They are using cotton thread. The chickens and ducks love thread. My ducks will entertain themselves for hours trying to get my hay bale string down. I worry about them wrapping a tiny piece around the tongue or beak and I don't see it. I will do some more research on what to use for a stringer.
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