Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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I have been reading this thread since it only had 100 pages, and I want to thank all the OT's
for taking the time to write down all this advice. I also want to thank the other newbies for being curious and continuing to ask questions, many of those questions are the same ones I had but just hadn't formed them into sentences!

Thanks to all the information on this thread, I feel that when I finally get my own flock, I will ALMOST know exactly what I am doing! almost...

Wire...thin wire can be wired to the fence and cannot be pulled loose and can then be reused to thread on more treats.
great idea, Iwas considering heavy fishing line, but visions of ducks and chickens hanging by necks made me rethink that idea. I have some wire that will work..thank you
I have been reading this thread since it only had 100 pages, and I want to thank all the OT's
for taking the time to write down all this advice. I also want to thank the other newbies for being curious and continuing to ask questions, many of those questions are the same ones I had but just hadn't formed them into sentences!

Thanks to all the information on this thread, I feel that when I finally get my own flock, I will ALMOST know exactly what I am doing! almost...

Hi Emily!
Glad you could join! Welcome to the group.
Thank you to all Beekissed and all the OT's who have contributed to this thread. We had chickens and other livestock when I was a kid, and after getting my own first flock 25 years later, I found BYC. I was horrified by so many of the stories of diseases, predators, the necessity of having perfectly cleaned and scrubbed coops - it just didn't seem so complicated when I was a kid, taking the flock food and water.

Thanks to the OT's, I realize it isn't so different from my initial expectations. Let the chickens be chickens, and most times things turn out alright. Take common-sense precautions, give your birds plenty of room, fresh air, and good food, and my chickens thrive just fine. This is only one of a couple threads that I follow, as the voice of reason is found here.

You've made me a better flock keeper, and I appreciate all the wisdom and advice you've taken the time to share. I look forward to continuing to gain wisdom and knowledge from you all!
Another great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the BEST BYC thread every for good practical knowledge!! To have so much of it so conveniently located in one spot has been a God send to so many of us. It is like being on the fast-track to becoming and Old Timer yourself!

And a HUGE HUGE THANK YOU to everyone in this thread - the newbies who all come up with great questions, and especially all the who have handed down countless pearls of wisdom to us. I know I have such gorgeous, healthy birds in such a sturdy, healthy environment because of each and every one of you!! No thank you will ever be big enough to convey to you just how much this thread has taught so many of us!
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