Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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That edible christmas garland has probably got the OT's reaching for the Alka Seltzer!

Thanks to Bee, Walt, Al, Fred, and all the other folks who've attempted to knock some sense into us newbies. My chickens thank you, too.

I want to thank everyone who answers all the questions posed, even though you are probably shaking your heads. I've had chickens on and off for over 40 years but never before worried about mice, lice, worms. We did have varmints of different kinds but the dogs or the gun took care of it. If we found a dead chicken, it would go down in the hedgerow on the north 40 as my parents would call it and never give it a 2nd thought. I don't even remeber any being sick. Just dead. No calling the vet or panicking of what to do. I'm older than the speed limit but don't have experience or knowledge that you all have. Thank you so much for taking time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OT!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the thread & thanks ,Bee,Walt Fred,Al & all the other OT's for all the advice .
yr willingness to pass on yr priceless experience & patience for us newbie's is greatly appreciated.

Cheers Pete
I'm older than the speed limit but don't have experience or knowledge that you all have. Thank you so much for taking time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OT!
Older than the speed limit!!! Now that's funny
I too am older than a lot of speed limits but you need to be careful. We have a stretch of tollway here in Texas that is now 85!!!! I can't do that.

My chicken speed is somewhere close to a parking lot with a lot of speed bumps but thanks to this thread and the old timers, I am coming along nicely. Thanks to all and also to the newbies for asking the questions.
Happy Birthday OT Thread!! I must admit that when I started reading this thread, I thought, "This will never last. Most BYCers don't want to hear what they really need to hear about their flocks." I'm glad to see I was wrong. One year, and still going strong, is a great sign that flock keepers are seeking good OT information. It is good to know that so many OTs are willing to spend time helping those that are interested in knowing "what's good for them" and their flocks. Thank you Beekissed for hosting such a great thread and thank you to all the OT contributors!
Happy Birthday to the thread, and a BIG THANK YOU to Bee, Fred, Al, Walt, Bruce, Ridgerunner, Stonykill, thedragonlady, and anyone else that has offered me help/wisdom with my chickens! No kidding, the day I picked up my first batch of chickens at tsc, I met a fellow chicken-keeper who told me about BYC. He said he just stalks the site, and that if I ever had any trouble, to go there first. Without his advice, I probably would have bought a pile of chicken books and never thought to look online for chicken-keeping advice. I used the site for my beginning questions, but found the number of threads with 2-3 responses that were returned to me in every search a bit disappointing and not a little confusing when every opinion contradicted the one before, and I certainly didn't know who to trust. I gave up on BYC, but returned a few months later and spotted a funny-named thread about a rocking chair on the home page. I've read every single post of this thread since July when I discovered it. Now, I don't even bother with the rest of the site - for the most part... I pretty much follow Bee around to the ff thread and her sick chick thread - I exclusively ask my questions here. I'm so grateful that I have a place that I KNOW I can trust. A community of thoughtful, respectful "neighbors" to run to screaming when I'm in distress :)

THANK YOU! I know you OTs have heard some of the same questions dozens of times, and I appreciate your patience with re-answering them, and maybe more importantly, your experienced, thoughtful input when someone comes here with a true dilemma that I watch you throw around and attack from different angles. The time you devote to help a distant stranger should nominate you ALL for some sort of Good Samaritan Award!
A thread with a funny name.....I love that! It sure does have a funny name and it has been a funny ride this year. I'm so glad that it has helped folks and I hope it continues to help.
Thank you to all the Ot's for sharing their knowledge & experience & for having the patience to answer all our newbie questions no matter how silly they are to you.

Thanks to you I have 4 healthy hens that require very little care since its easier to treat them as chickens than pets. But I do have to say chicken tv is still the best to watch especially when I walk out with veggies and you have 4 hens who come running towards you talking away in their excitement of fruit
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