Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Quote: That is good to know. I will have to pm you some day when we both have some time and I can pick your brain. I am going to go look that up now. You probably saved me tons of time and headaches.I do have actual financial programs and it works for the money part, just not the actual bird parts.
My Buff Toulouse, Mottled Houdan and Barred Plymouth Rock.

Next year we are having Nationals locally. I'm really excited about it. :)

Also note that waterfowl do not need to be banded or vaccinated here to be shown.
I know i don't need to ask you to take lots of pics.
That is good to know. I will have to pm you some day when we both have some time and I can pick your brain. I am going to go look that up now. You probably saved me tons of time and headaches.I do have actual financial programs and it works for the money part, just not the actual bird parts.
In simply accounting there is an inventory section. You can do it that way. Can't advise you on quickbooks.

Adjust inventory as you sell. You can print invoices for clients. I've been working with it for 8 years, so it's second nature to me.
How detailed do you go with lineage? I read where some people post that they have BCM from the Bev Davis line or Wade Jean line? I never read that about others. Only whether they are hatchery or not. Is it important or only if your chicken is according to the SOP? For some silly reason, I keep very detailed info but only for me. I bought eggs from different farms last year, not mutts but I don't know where they came from and I couldn't find clear enough for me if I could use a rooster from this group(because he could be related), so I bought an adult rooster for breeding.
The main reason for the details, I don't want to mix the breeds. Not for show, just playing. Sorry for all the questions. BYW, my financial records show that I'm doing this for a hobby, not profit)
One of my notebooks is for hatching in the incubator. I just have the dates set, the who, and amount of hatched, and date hatched.I even have scraps of paper stuck in the pages when I could not find a book. I recorded temps any fluctuations or problems seen. The notebook in the coop is for recording dates of changes and wish lists that i wanted to change and purchases I wanted/needed to make.
This thread grows so fast I can't keep up! I finally skipped to the end.
Hopefully I didn't miss too much of importance. I do have some vacation days so MAYBE I can keep up until Jan 2nd.

You can also go hear and cover alot of things that have been talked about on the thread or any questions you may have. oops I forgot what thread I was on but check out the blog anyway, there's lots of great stuff on there.
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just nting to update as I was on the thread that got SLAUGHTERED by negativity but was having such a hard time keeping up. I just don't have time but notice a few of the same people here and wanted to just give you an update. My chickens have been restored to to full health. Nice and full and plump and GREAT feathers, no more fowl pox. All WAS good until last week I had my first loss via HAWK! I was so mad, and shaking I missed him FOUR times with the shot gun :( AND HE STILL CAME BACK!! He was AND STILL IS determined. MrHawk has GOT to go. Having my chickens be anything other than free range breaks my heart. They deserve the free life. That was 8 days ago. They are just now returning back to normal (mentally) and we got our FIRST EGG IN THREE MONTHS this morning. That made me jump and and down with job. I KNEW it was due time because Mr Bob (my rooster) has returned to his umm...lets just say it...HORNY SELF!! :D I am a happy chicken owner...even more relieved and happy once that hawk is out of the picture!
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