Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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X3 - And guess what? I'm a real life actual sociologist, so I would know! LOL

And I'm a real life actual Prof. of Critical Theory, so I'm just gonna bide my time till you publish an article on this in The Sociological Review.

X3 - And guess what? I'm a real life actual sociologist, so I would know! LOL

And I'm a real life actual Prof. of Critical Theory, so I'm just gonna bide my time till you publish an article on this in The Sociological Review.


Nah...I'm too old to go onto my PhD, I need to get into the workforce- Masters is as far as i'm going with this. Besides, I know the real reason you want me to publish something - this forum is crazy and you would need an army to work on all the stuff going one here. (You're just like all the professors, making us grunts do all the heavy lifting. LOL)

After making your Coop & Run as secure as possible, you may still have to reduce the varmint population:

You can buy a live trap:

And/or make one:

To make one is easy of any size, I saw a picture of this one in a magazine and made it years ago, it still works. The side bars go up and use them to make a pivot for the trigger. The trigger is a cloths hanger wire and you bend it at an angle to set the sensitvity of the trigger, the steeper the angle, the easier for the door to trip.
You're just like all the professors, making us grunts do all the heavy lifting.

Oh, man - you caught me out! That's exactly what I was thinking!

I've thought of doing it myself, but I haven't got the requisite army. (Budget cuts . . .
I am only on page 15 of this thread but will catch up. Roosters do that to me too even the roosters in the feed store today go kind of silly when I talk to them in "that voice" I think they know you think they are handsome and love the recognition.
NEXT TOPIC for the Wise Ones

Scattered about in various threads on BYC and other sites and publications are claims of alfalfa hay increasing winter egg-laying.

Firstly, what experience(pro or con) have you had using alfalfa hay to supplement feed to help winter production?

Second question, Have you used the alfalfa cubes and did you get the same results as regular baled alfalfa hay?
Ugh! Started reading this thread last night before bedtime. Read till I couldn't stay awake anymore, read some more this evening and am only on P.22. (No, not that slow of a reader, just enjoying all the tips and comments
) The problem is, every time I look, there's another page. At this rate, I'll never catch up!

Since I'm only on page 22, I don't know if this question has been addressed: Are "heritage breeds" any better than what I can find a my local farm supply store in the spring? I want a good, dual-purpose flock. I have a big brahma roo, and several breeds of hens - 1 BO, 1 Production red, 2 SLWs, 2 Brown Leghorns, some EEs, and a speckled one that I have no idea what she is. If they ever start laying, which ones of these would be good to breed for a dual-purpose flock?

ETA Just saw the comments on the alfalfa. I don't know if it increased the laying last winter, but my chickens really enjoyed scratching through and pecking at the alfalfa hay I threw in the coop off and on.
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Well then, KG4ZAR.. This is KF4VNT....
Hubby is KF4ESH... Nice to meet another "Chicken Ham"... We are both newly upgraded generals and he keeps telling me I should get a "Chicken Net" going... LOL

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