Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Hit my funnybone. Can u imagine that snake trying to pass that egg? Talk about hemorhoids...
Well, we just hit 29 degrees, wind chill to 17. When I checked them at sunset (35 degrees) they were all huddled in the communal nest box, packed in close for warmth. Fingers crossed that everyone does ok! No eggs today, though - I think they may be on strike against the cold. I'm really hoping that they'll lay tomorrow!!
5* F here at 7:30 am. Wind chill in the negatives. Chickens are out in the run eating the scratch I put out there last night, so I don't have to walk down this morning. Brrrrr....

As far as I can tell they all made it through the night, including the 7 week old chick, but she sure is peeping loud. (Outside with her momma, instead of inside on the warm sand floor, silly chick)
I use ceramic eggs, I drew faces on them so we could tell them apart from the real eggs. They stay in the nests pretty well. I used to have alot of snake issues when I lived in Missouri, but not since I have moved here to TN, (knock on wood, LOL) Most of my hens seem to be past the molt, one or 2 are still ratty looking, but we are getting 7-9 eggs/day now from the BR's, (they were down to 1-3 per day at their low during molting) I expect that will pick up as time goes by as we are past the winter solstice. My BBS marans are starting to lay, an egg a day from 2 6 month old hens! Exciting dark brown eggs. Looking forward to the others that hatched in July and Aug. coming online!!

That made me want to slap myself. The feed store has brown fake eggs and I almost bought one but I was standing there thinking it looks too close to real eggs (the one I have is white and none of mine lay white eggs). Gosh I can be so stupid at times LOL. ok getting another fake egg and a marking pen!
Here is for anyone else who is interested in the raised beds made out of pallets. Will take pictures of mine to show how I downsized mine.

It is titled: 5 on the farm: CHEAP Raised Bed Garden

Well, everyone made it just fine, even the chicks. Thanks so much to everyone for the support! I clearly need to get some fake eggs, though. As soon as I let the hens free range, the girls I have had for a few months tried to break back into their old baby coop and lay eggs there. The chicks weren't wild about that!!
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