Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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What time do you usually eat kunch?

Usually around 11:00 AM, MST.

BTW, are we still on for some Dom eggs in a few months?

Around here we call the mid-day meal lunch. Where does the term kunch come from? :-]
Absolutely still on for eggs.
Usually around 11:00 AM, MST.

BTW, are we still on for some Dom eggs in a few months?

Around here we call the mid-day meal lunch. Where does the term kunch come from? :-]
Absolutely still on for eggs.

I think "kunch" comes from the K and L being right next to each other on the keyboard, but I could be wrong.
I am thoroughly enjoying this thread been reading quietly for a bit. good stuff in this pages.... and Kunch in my opinion is when you have a krunchy lunch, LOL
Around here we call the mid-day meal lunch. Where does the term kunch come from? :-]
Absolutely still on for eggs.

I think "kunch" comes from the K and L being right next to each other on the keyboard, but I could be wrong.

WOW! Why didn't I think of that? I'm in awe.
I think "kunch" comes from the K and L being right next to each other on the keyboard, but I could be wrong.

WOW! Why didn't I think of that? I'm in awe.

You Did think of that....But I am getting my BS in stating the obvious. (Almost there too....only 10 more obvious statements to go)
That 3 inch egg that was laid on Tues. I cracked last night to make hubby a omelet & it was a two yolker, smaller yolks, but two none the less.
Have 3 raised beds built, and was running out of screws, I told my 4 year old's boyfriend's Mom about it, while we were waiting to pick up the kids from school, and she brought me over a box of screws she had.
So now I can put together the one I cut out last night, as soon as it warms up, only 46 right now.

Bee, if you are still reading this fine post you started, I had to give the youngest TP a kick in the butt this morning. Nonnie is defiantly a roo! He charged me this morning, so I gave his little ounce butt a swift kick.
Cynder is still a sweetheart, but Nonnie may need to live somewhere else, silly Silkie.
so after a few days of free ranging my yr old hens and 4 month old hens together for a a few hrs at a time i figured i could move them all into the same pen since they got along fine. the one lt brahma get pecked really bad to the point where you could see the tail bone and is missing skin over a 3in x 4 in area. its been a week and no infection so she should make it but i'd like to old timers to give me tips so this doesnt happen again. if i saw the instigator i'd be more than willing to make her dinner but we dont know who it was. the first 2 hours they were all fine in the pen together so next time i'll be watching a bit longer.
How big are the beds? Love freebies. That is so funny re:Nonnie. I only have on silkie rooster and he's a sweetheart too. He meets me at the door and waits to be petted. After all the hens are eating their treats(collards today) he'll come over for me to handfeed him his. Of course then all the others have to come over too.LOL.
How big are the beds? Love freebies. That is so funny re:Nonnie. I only have on silkie rooster and he's a sweetheart too. He meets me at the door and waits to be petted. After all the hens are eating their treats(collards today) he'll come over for me to handfeed him his. Of course then all the others have to come over too.LOL.

The large beds are 40 x 40 inch, the others are 30 x 30 inch. Would rather have a bunch of smaller beds that I can move around easy when they are empty, than having just a few large ones. Never got out there today to finish building the 4th bed, was just too cold.

Cynder was sitting in the doorway tonight of the coop, and I could just lean over & pet him, while Nonnie was acting the fool strutting around. One of the BR (the smallest) was over in the neighbors yard again today. Last time she acted the fool and was where she was not suppose to be, Owl got after her big time. I told Owl he better keep an eye on his hens, or he is going to be missing one, one of these days.
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