Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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It wasn't me........I'm a jerk for other reasons.

in 04 I lost my daughter 2 weeks before she turned 17. At that point in time I lost all patience for rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, pompous, people who think their own crap doesn't stink or think the world revolves around them. I don't care who you are, what you are selling, what your service is or if you think what you have to offer is the best. Someone else always offers the same. Some people are just jerks. The best thing to do once you realize someone is one, is to avoid them at all costs. Life is too short for that kind of garbage. I guess that is why I enjoy my chickens and ducks so much. Too many people are jerks.
This has been eating on me for some time, and finally I am compelled to inquire what others think. I made an inquiry as a personal message to one of the respected contributors on this thread regarding availability and pricing of hatching eggs for two different breeds of large fowl. They are not very common and good ones are hard to find.
I assumed that the individual was not interested in my request and that I was not going to get a response. I made arrangements and went in a different direction to fill what I was looking for.
More than 50 days later I got a message from the original party contacted that hatching eggs were available and price was $x. I responded politely and informed him that I had made other arrangements. His reply back was, "I just love it when people waste my time".
It burned me to think that this individual thought that he was so important that people should wait almost two months for a response from him without looking for other possible sources.
What would you think of an individual that responded as he did? Would you even consider attempting to do business with them a second time?

Perhaps this person doesn't visit BYC very often and when he did, he didn't note the date of your request and thought that YOU hadn't given him time even to respond to your request. I think the best thing to do would be direct your inquiry to the person in question and ask them why they felt like you had wasted their time.

That you are asking our opinion sort of lets me believe that you wish us to agree with you that this person is a jerk and that one shouldn't do business with him...sort of to shame him for his response to you.

What do I think? I think if you are adult enough to have chickens, you are adult enough to handle business deals with all sorts of people you may meet. I think if you are offended by the correspondence with that person, you need to take that up with the person in question. I also think that your post is an attempt to send a message to that person or you wouldn't have included in your OP that this person contributes to this thread~it really seems irrelevant to your situation.

I think you need to keep your business between you and the people with whom you are attempting to conduct business and not expect this thread to police those areas of your life. It doesn't really matter what WE think about who you buy eggs from and who you do not. All that matters is what YOU think and that is something we cannot tell you how to do.

ETA: It wasn't me either...I only sell eggs to country folk intent on having them for breakfast.
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Perhaps this person doesn't visit BYC very often and when he did, he didn't note the date of your request and thought that YOU hadn't given him time even to respond to your request. I think the best thing to do would be direct your inquiry to the person in question and ask them why they felt like you had wasted their time.

That you are asking our opinion sort of lets me believe that you wish us to agree with you that this person is a jerk and that one shouldn't do business with him...sort of to shame him for his response to you.

What do I think? I think if you are adult enough to have chickens, you are adult enough to handle business deals with all sorts of people you may meet. I think if you are offended by the correspondence with that person, you need to take that up with the person in question. I also think that your post is an attempt to send a message to that person or you wouldn't have included in your OP that this person contributes to this thread~it really seems irrelevant to your situation.

I think you need to keep your business between you and the people with whom you are attempting to conduct business and not expect this thread to police those areas of your life. It doesn't really matter what WE think about who you buy eggs from and who you do not. All that matters is what YOU think and that is something we cannot tell you how to do.

ETA: It wasn't me either...I only sell eggs to country folk intent on having them for breakfast.

x2. bee sometimes it scares me how you repeatedly manage to sum up my thoughts, and more eloquently then i could ever manage it.
I think, judging by my girls, that the chickens will tell you (by their behavior) if they want curtains. We have 3 Silkes and a small coop raised up 2 feet, that is divided into 2 nesting areas with a solid board (with an arch way so they can go between) separating them. The right side is solid on the side and back. So that nest box is enclosed on 3 sides and is dark and cozy.. The left side has chicken wire on the side so is brighter. When the coop was in a shaded area the girls used both boxes. We moved it to a brighter spot and I am noticing that all of the birds cram themselves together into the one, darker box. I am guessing that this behavior, which I understand is common, would lead to warmer eggs so benefits the species. And I am guessing that they picked that right side box as it is darker. I'm going to try a "curtain" on the light side and see if they start using it. I do want them to have a lot of air flow (they are free range during the day but cooped up at night) so don't want a permanent solid side hence removable "curtains". Will see if it makes a difference. Forgot to add - it also has a removable wood slat that fits across the front of the right side. I put that up at night so they have one area to totally hide in should a predator peer in (or if they just want to sleep in in the morning. LOL!)
I would just shrug it off. People are people - that's why I spend so much time sitting in out in the coop......

It is much more helpful to reduce stress than paying some person to ask you..."how do you feel about this". Then spending an hour of talking and then getting charged a bunch of money.....and you are the one doing all the talking. I spent 20 years working as an administrator at a university and they are loaded with jerks of all kinds. If I had not had the birds to watch when I came home from work I might have eventually killed someone....just kidding about the killing part........sort of...............

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