Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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I can't think of having goats as "weird", at least compared to:

Owning land and not having a garden
Having a garden and not having chickens
Having chickens and not having a garden
Apartment buildings

I mean, that's all weird stuff!
they were citiots, so I didn't expect it to make sense. They drove up from NYC to their "Country home" and after I left were planning to go to Albany to the shopping mall. I find all of that weird
Well, if you want to be picky, humans and chickens are weird, too.

I have to admit that chickens confuse me less, and annoy me less, than humans. And having raised four kids and spoiled two grandkids, I can tell ya chickens is cheaper!
I don't find chickens to be weird at all. They simply are big birds stuck on the ground and wishing they can soar. Since they cannot, they have to conduct their bird lives on the ground in front of all of us. I identify with that greatly, so chickens and I are sympatico.
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bee chickens can fly. being my pullets are starting to lay i had to seperate the roosters and meat birds into seperate pens. well i confused 2 ee;s with my rangers. well before i could get the one ee off the roost she flew over the 6 foot fence and the flew on the 8' roof of the pen. . it was dark out. so now i got a bsl and a ee on the roof.
i think i am going to end my sex link breeding thought. just to many gene variations in the hatchery stock. i don;t think i will get a sex link. so i am going to fatten them bad boys up with the meaties and have dinner
Sumatra's fly pretty darn well for chickens. I've had them fly around the house many times and almost clip me in the head. Luckily they not only fly well, but they have amazing control. They fly better than a wild turkey. Not that that is saying much
There is a place between where we live and my brother in law, so I go by it fairly often, anyway there isn't a blade of grass on the property ANYWHERE, seriously not one blade, the chickens are running everywhere right up to the house. I'm not talking a denuded 20x20 run I mean the whole entire property. It makes my skin crawl everytime I just drive by.
Oh HONEY!!!! You just described West Texas! Out here, all the germs in the soil are killed by the searing HEAT! lol
I think goats are definitely weird! Weird eyes, noisy, dirty, stinkin' and they always have their tails in the air....weirds me out to be around them.

I agree with all your other weirds on the list!
Bee !!!! now don't be a hater, I would think you would love these critters after all, salt of the earth and the most popular consumed meat on the face of the planet.

But they taste friggin delibious and the milk makes good cheese............ and they don't like to eat grass if weeds are handy.......... what is there not to like.
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Oh HONEY!!!! You just described West Texas! Out here, all the germs in the soil are killed by the searing HEAT! lol
But this house is smack dab in the middle of Green Country in Oklahoma. And there is grass everywhere (or even weeds) except his place b/c he had sooooooo many chickens in make shift lean toos and running around free all over the place that there is literally nothing left living in the ground. I have never stopped and smelled, but I would bet it's not good.
I can't think of having goats as "weird", at least compared to:

Owning land and not having a garden
Having a garden and not having chickens
Having chickens and not having a garden
Apartment buildings

I mean, that's all weird stuff!
I do own land, and have a garden.
I do have chickens.
And I do have 2 Standard Poodles who are the best cattle AND GOAT drovers on the place (I milk 16 head of goats, twice a day!). Before I got bone cancer and could hunt ducks, one of them was my retriever. They are both certified therapy dogs, and have brought much joy to many people. One has a tracking title, and one has an agility and 3 obedience competition titles. So, since you are stepping very near my toes, thought you ought to know that a Standard Poodle, anyway, will do anything you ask him to do!

Now living in apartment buildings...that's wierd!
Bee, I'm sorry, but I did that very thing 1945, after WWII, my father came home with a monkey (pregnant, of course) and a Hyacinth Macaw (Great Big Blue One) that he bought from a defunct circus. I kept the baby monkey for 30 years before she died, and I still have that damnable bird! He was feeling a bit under the weather, so he went to the vet today. Turns out he was just constipated, but I paid an avian vet to check him out. My dad would be spinning in his grave if I didn't take care of that bird. BTW, I will have to will him to someone when I die, for if he continues to stay healthy, he will outlive me, too!

I lost the last of his Dominecker hens last night because she could not do the breast stroke. Don't know why she decided to go swimming after 12 years!

Wow! I knew macaws could live a long, long time but that is very ancient. I bet he's a beauty! I have a little conure named Maggie that I love and adore. I'd bring her in too, if she got sick.
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