Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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That happened with a pup I took in once....first time I'd ever seen anything like that in my life. Couldn't believe all that came out of one small dog. I felt just like you...majorly weirded out and washing obsessively.
I stopped licking the carpet at about 3, so I should be good less thing to worry about........that's always good.

One time I was grading birds for this guy and a rooster pooped what looked like a ball of spaghetti...moving spaghetti. I guess that bird had reached it's parasite level. I think I burned everything I had on that day. I had never seen anything like that before or since.

I've seen it twice in the years I've had chickens. I've got pictures, but yeah, I think that might go against the "I am not uploading any copyrighted or offensive material". The funny thing was, the bird was not affected in the least. It was a decent weight, had bright eyes, shiny feathers. But an entire turd splat was just a ball of worms. Looked like what you mentioned, spaghetti. Twice that happened in seven years.
I've wondered if maybe the worm load in the bird was really not that bad and it ate something that made the worms in it's system evacuate?? Regardless, I don't eat noodles very often any more.
Quote: The grossest thing I have ever seen is a spaghetti poop...only it didn't all come out at once and all the other girls thought it was pasta and consumed everything, all the worms hanging out and everything. They thought she was a pasta machine.
This happened in front of me and was over faster than I could even react. I just walked back into the house with my face as white as a ghost. I could barely even repeat it to my husband. lol
I wormed my chickens that day....
loanwizard: Yes, I'm still afraid of 'em. I have raised my share of runts on a bottle - because I was made to do so. As soon as they were bit enough to bite the end of the nipple off - they went back to their mama. When we had the broiler houses, one of my jobs was to go through every morning and pick up dead chickens...and feed them to the hogs. Those swine crunched them guts, feathers & all! And down the road from us (about 8 miles "as the crow flies") a man and his wife had a hog farm. Hundreds of hogs. One fall, he took a truck load to market and left his wife to tend the hogs. They knocked her down, killed her, and then ate her. Coroner found part of her pelvis, some red hair & bloody dirt. No thank you. I'll stick with my chickens! They might" peck my eyes out," but I think I can still out run 'em!
loanwizard: Yes, I'm still afraid of 'em. I have raised my share of runts on a bottle - because I was made to do so. As soon as they were bit enough to bite the end of the nipple off - they went back to their mama. When we had the broiler houses, one of my jobs was to go through every morning and pick up dead chickens...and feed them to the hogs. Those swine crunched them guts, feathers & all! And down the road from us (about 8 miles "as the crow flies") a man and his wife had a hog farm. Hundreds of hogs. One fall, he took a truck load to market and left his wife to tend the hogs. They knocked her down, killed her, and then ate her. Coroner found part of her pelvis, some red hair & bloody dirt. No thank you. I'll stick with my chickens! They might" peck my eyes out," but I think I can still out run 'em!
WOW!! That's something !!
chickens oh boy, tonight i was out observing the flock. who has red wattles , combs etc. so the chickens went to roost. one of my black sex link kept looking at me. i mean staring at me. just weird. all of the sudden she jumped off the roost, squated , and the smallest marble shaped , soft shell egg came out. it hit the ground splatted and the chickens had a snack.
I see. Have you ever seen fresh milled feed? I bet if you did, you'd make the trip!
I guess it's different for me....where I live everything..and I mean everything, is 45 min. to an hour away from home, so 40 min. is nothing to me. I can go and buy a 100 lbs of feed and not have to make the trip again for another month and half.

Also, for me, going to a bona-fide local feed store is an experience like no has no shiny, gleaming floors or neatly shelved items. It's grungy and smells like feed, dust and old farms..a pleasant mix of manure, animal, and moldy old men. Some of the merchandise/hardware has a layer of feed dust~ or just plain ol' dust~ so thick that you have to wipe it away to read the label or the price. At the point of sale, you don't have some town girl or boy answering your questions and they don't have to "look up"'s all written down on a board behind their heads where you can clearly read the price or the oldster behind the counter shuffles the papers to one side and reads it off the top of the counter where it's taped there...dirty, coffee stained and faded out from too many arms resting upon it.

While you are waiting on the old guy in front of you to stop talking about cattle prices at the stock yard you can read all the colorful flyers, pictures, for sale posters all over the walls and every other surface...some of them for stud horses, cattle dog pups, chickens, and even for tractors. You can buy real equipment for livestock there...not the pet-geared stuff at TSC. You won't find one glossy book for sale in the whole place to tell you how to raise chickens, pigs, horses, goats or cows. The people there expect you to already know how or you wouldn't be buying feed in the first place!

Then, some nice young man hustles your feed out to the truck for you and loads it! I love that part!!!! Remember when bag boys at the grocery store actually loaded the groceries in the vehicle for you? No? I do and it was the best sort of customer service and courtesy....I long for those days and think that too many people forget what true customer service feels like.

Can you hear me sighing as I wax nostalgic for the old feed stores across this land? I LOVE them and you will too if you just try them out. The feed mixed there smells and looks good enough for human consumption and the conversation is good enough too. They know you when you come in and they smile, joke, and ask about those chickens or won't find that much at the local TSC. At least, I've never seen the same cashier twice at our TSC and if I did, they sure weren't concerned with MY life or animals.
Oh my, oh my. This brings back memories. My grandma used to let me drive the old ford truck to the feed mill in the next town. She went just to make trouble sometime I think. It was just the way you described it. She got good service too. For a gran she was quite a looker and one of the only women to visit the mill on a regular basis. Actually i think she and grandpa were one of the better customers for regular feed orders. No clue how many cattle and chickens they were running at that point. I'm gonna have to make a trip for feed. Not in the superman blue ford that i loved so much though. It's long gone. *sigh*
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