Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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How very nice!! I am in South east Mo Near Farmington off highway 67.where are you? I would certainly pay for some just need to find some in driving distance What do you have?
Shoot! i see you are across the state..guess its past Columbia also?I go visit my kids there 3 1/.2 hours from me..Dont go much farther though, unless i take a trip.
Roxannemc, I am sorry you haven't found this thread particularly helpful and feel targeted by some of the joking on here. I am a relative newbie, having only had my chickens for three years. We raised them when I was a kid, and even though they were mainly my responsibility, I did what my Dad told me to do - so there has been a lot to learn this time around. I don't take the joking and the opinions I don't agree with as a personal attack or find them offensive. When I have asked a question, it has been because I have done some research and either can't find the answer, or I would like an answer from someone who has been there and done that if I see conflicting answers. I have gotten some very good advice, but like anything else, it is up to me to take what is useful to me and discard the rest.

I do not feel that any of the OT's on this thread would intentionally try to make someone feel stupid for asking a question, but there are questions that I see asked multiple times a day, where a simple search would give answers much quicker than posting a "QUICK - I NEED HELP NOW!!!' post. Just as you may be offended by the blunt advice or joking on this thread, it gets tiresome to see the same person post on five different threads and complain about how they're not getting help quick enough, or they didn't like the answer they got so they want someone else to respond.

Personally, I don't care if someone has a house chicken that wears a diaper and watches TV with them. I have chickens as livestock. This is one of the few threads I follow. I have made some mistakes but am learning better husbandry here. I like that the OT's here take the time to post in this thread. I get their sense of humor. I enjoy the way they say what they mean, without having to be PC here. You may think they're bashing newbies, but if you look around, they have also posted a lot of replies to a lot of newbie questions. Their advice doesn't always have the touchy-feely, hold your hand and comfort you tone, but it's based on their experience and knowledge.

I hope you are enjoying your chickens! I know that mine have become an enjoyable pastime and a great conversation-starter. I'm the 'chicken lady' in my neighborhood, and I love it.
I've even got a couple neighbors who will be getting chickens from me when they're ready, and I'll pass on the knowledge that's been shared here with me to them.
SO I am hoping that someone here with experience has had this possibly happened to them.. Have you EVER had a chicken come down with Wet Pox AND Mereks at the same time?? If so, please PM me. I have an Olive Egger that started choking/gasping about 2 weeks ago.. Found the tale-tell cheesy stuff all gunked up in her throat. Cleared it out with q-tips and bobby pins. NOW she is exhibiting classic Mereks symptoms.. paralysis in one leg. She is still eating/drinking when I bring her food/water but she isn't able to move about. I would love if anyone that has chicken experience could tell me if there is ANYTHING else it could be. I am doing my best and trying to not put her down but.. well, as long as she is fighting so am I :) thanks!
SO I am hoping that someone here with experience has had this possibly happened to them.. Have you EVER had a chicken come down with Wet Pox AND Mereks at the same time?? If so, please PM me. I have an Olive Egger that started choking/gasping about 2 weeks ago.. Found the tale-tell cheesy stuff all gunked up in her throat. Cleared it out with q-tips and bobby pins. NOW she is exhibiting classic Mereks symptoms.. paralysis in one leg. She is still eating/drinking when I bring her food/water but she isn't able to move about. I would love if anyone that has chicken experience could tell me if there is ANYTHING else it could be. I am doing my best and trying to not put her down but.. well, as long as she is fighting so am I :) thanks!

You might want to take this one to the disease part of the forum...plenty of folks over there that deal with those kinds of things and try to keep sick birds alive. Most of the OTs here would tell you to put it down immediately.

I've never had a chicken down with any kind of illness, so I can't advise you on this one. If I had something like this occur I'd just kill the bird...then I would look seriously into exactly how any bird in my flock was able to get sick.
You might want to take this one to the disease part of the forum...plenty of folks over there that deal with those kinds of things and try to keep sick birds alive. Most of the OTs here would tell you to put it down immediately.

I've never had a chicken down with any kind of illness, so I can't advise you on this one. If I had something like this occur I'd just kill the bird...then I would look seriously into exactly how any bird in my flock was able to get sick.
Florida.. mosquitoes are rampant right now.. thanks
Roxannemc, I am sorry you haven't found this thread particularly helpful and feel targeted by some of the joking on here. I am a relative newbie, having only had my chickens for three years. We raised them when I was a kid, and even though they were mainly my responsibility, I did what my Dad told me to do - so there has been a lot to learn this time around. I don't take the joking and the opinions I don't agree with as a personal attack or find them offensive. When I have asked a question, it has been because I have done some research and either can't find the answer, or I would like an answer from someone who has been there and done that if I see conflicting answers. I have gotten some very good advice, but like anything else, it is up to me to take what is useful to me and discard the rest.

I do not feel that any of the OT's on this thread would intentionally try to make someone feel stupid for asking a question, but there are questions that I see asked multiple times a day, where a simple search would give answers much quicker than posting a "QUICK - I NEED HELP NOW!!!' post. Just as you may be offended by the blunt advice or joking on this thread, it gets tiresome to see the same person post on five different threads and complain about how they're not getting help quick enough, or they didn't like the answer they got so they want someone else to respond.

Personally, I don't care if someone has a house chicken that wears a diaper and watches TV with them. I have chickens as livestock. This is one of the few threads I follow. I have made some mistakes but am learning better husbandry here. I like that the OT's here take the time to post in this thread. I get their sense of humor. I enjoy the way they say what they mean, without having to be PC here. You may think they're bashing newbies, but if you look around, they have also posted a lot of replies to a lot of newbie questions. Their advice doesn't always have the touchy-feely, hold your hand and comfort you tone, but it's based on their experience and knowledge.

I hope you are enjoying your chickens! I know that mine have become an enjoyable pastime and a great conversation-starter. I'm the 'chicken lady' in my neighborhood, and I love it.
I've even got a couple neighbors who will be getting chickens from me when they're ready, and I'll pass on the knowledge that's been shared here with me to them.

Nicely and very well put! Thank you! I would never have started this thread if I wasn't interested in getting the correct knowledge to the people that need it...poking fun or not. No, I don't do it to feel flattered or to get pats on the back in any way. I've always felt that those who have gone before should help those coming along after if they can. I saw a need, saw newbies displaying frustration and desperation as they try to learn how to do this thing...finally, I decided to let them pick the collective brains of those who've been doing it a long time, collectively, on one thread. I also knew that these guys really don't like the whole huggy, hand patting, nicey-nice PC way of dealing with folks and they probably wouldn't participate if they felt like they had to do that here.

Yes, we make jokes and poke newbies and at each other. A person's got to have some fun after telling the same advice over and over and over and over....for free....on our own help others who really want to learn. Ever hear that old adage "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth?" This is one of those gift's free and you can receive it or walk away. If you don't like the looks or the sound of the horse, you can still walk away..and that's the beauty of it.

But we still offered it when we really didn't have to. I appreciate each and every OT that has taken the time to help newbies shorten the learning curve that took these guys many years to obtain. I really don't care that if they want to have a little fun along the least they are helping someone~more important, they are helping someone with good information. Hard won information that took money, hard work and dedication to learn...and they offer it here, for FREE.

Must be valuable....over 5,000 posts and almost 266,000 views(that's people reading it, participating, reading it again) in the short time it's been on the forum. Compare those numbers to any other thread that has been open for a comparable time and you will probably find that not another thread on the forum has amassed so many posts and views in the same amount of time.

From the heart...thank you, all you OTs who contribute and another thank you for newbies that know a good thing when they see it and keep asking questions so that others may learn.
Roxannemc, I am sorry you haven't found this thread particularly helpful and feel targeted by some of the joking on here. I am a relative newbie, having only had my chickens for three years. We raised them when I was a kid, and even though they were mainly my responsibility, I did what my Dad told me to do - so there has been a lot to learn this time around. I don't take the joking and the opinions I don't agree with as a personal attack or find them offensive. When I have asked a question, it has been because I have done some research and either can't find the answer, or I would like an answer from someone who has been there and done that if I see conflicting answers. I have gotten some very good advice, but like anything else, it is up to me to take what is useful to me and discard the rest.

I do not feel that any of the OT's on this thread would intentionally try to make someone feel stupid for asking a question, but there are questions that I see asked multiple times a day, where a simple search would give answers much quicker than posting a "QUICK - I NEED HELP NOW!!!' post. Just as you may be offended by the blunt advice or joking on this thread, it gets tiresome to see the same person post on five different threads and complain about how they're not getting help quick enough, or they didn't like the answer they got so they want someone else to respond.

Personally, I don't care if someone has a house chicken that wears a diaper and watches TV with them. I have chickens as livestock. This is one of the few threads I follow. I have made some mistakes but am learning better husbandry here. I like that the OT's here take the time to post in this thread. I get their sense of humor. I enjoy the way they say what they mean, without having to be PC here. You may think they're bashing newbies, but if you look around, they have also posted a lot of replies to a lot of newbie questions. Their advice doesn't always have the touchy-feely, hold your hand and comfort you tone, but it's based on their experience and knowledge.

I hope you are enjoying your chickens! I know that mine have become an enjoyable pastime and a great conversation-starter. I'm the 'chicken lady' in my neighborhood, and I love it.
I've even got a couple neighbors who will be getting chickens from me when they're ready, and I'll pass on the knowledge that's been shared here with me to them.
First i dont offend easily..wrong word...Just dont understand .rudeness and mean spirited for no reason to others..sickens bullies..whatever .. And rude and mean spirited on a thread that is to be for new owners to ASK questions...NO EXCUSE they are "old timers' ..So what? Big excuse about as oucone on about being crabby WHAT?Would thye axct that way at church?i am old too but nobody expects me to act nasty for no reason.My whole POINT.. The whole website i imagine was to be pleasant to each other and have this bird thing in common. Why be rude to someone ?Are they hurting you?.And same questons? .. I think at times ppl are paniced and cant think to go to any place but here or what i have done myself anyway why should i if i can get an answer here fast rather than trolling through all kinds of websites..Silly. Really... sometimes your chick is giving up the ghost right now .. If you are a big producer... who cares?.. let one chick sink or swim...A little home raiser who spent a lot of money on a few eggs maybe it means something and money lost to help if you can. It would be helpful and maybe this is on here but i havent found it to put a word or 2 in and get the right thread and post to answer it. Myself i havent found this only on learning ppl like me generally post their panic question to all hoping someone ANYONE answers Yes i have seen some get mad they didnt get a response and that cant be helped. NObodys paid here..Also some ppl are intimidated to ask ANY question. Look at all the lurkers of the posts and such few % post.Amazing Most afraid to be thought stupid or commented about just as some of these ppl do on here!... BUT Wry comments on a thread that Encourages asking old timers questions is just uncalled for. I meant it when i said get a Old Timer ONLY thread so you can commiserate about the newbies.or PM someone your thoughts but dont be so rude to pll you dont even know.even just commenting to old chicken frineds where others read it.
... Doesnt help encourage those ppl to ask anything and i assume this website is wanting ppl to actually USE the forums and as long as you have 8- 10 new ppl a day here you are going to have the SAME questions.and aggravating .. same questions?.just dont answer!Let someone else.Simple Move on.
Dont mean to hijack... but YOu brought up disease by shoe...someone has eggs i might buy ...their chicken he says are free range but says most have a lot of feather off their back .I get the impression bare as he didnt show a photo but one of the breed not his.
Says its from pecking on the weaker ones but they are free range so ?? didnt sound right thinking mites or something. So.. if i get eggs would it be a good idea to have him meet me ? Or forget him.
I am looking for local fertile eggs and only found 2 ppl. maybe ihavent hit the "egg vein" of my county yet...

I'd forget him. If they have all the feathers off their backs they are being mismanaged in some it too many roos, crowding, parasites, poor genetics, poor nutrition, etc. You wouldn't want to pay for eggs from a place like that. I wouldn't even eat eggs from a place like that, let alone hatch them for flock replacements.
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