Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Yep, and in the meantime it isn't his farm that is making money at all. It's those folks. And the books.
I could get rich being a hack but then I don't think I could sleep at night, but hacks can sleep like a baby LOL.
This aspect of Joel Salatin's belief system concerns me:

From wikipedia:

Vasile Stanescu, co-senior editor for the Journal of Critical Animal Studies, mentions in his essay, "Green’ Eggs and Ham? The Myth of Sustainable Meat and the Danger of the Local", that “Salatin believes so firmly in traditional gender roles that in the past he did not even accept women as workers or interns for the farm labor aspect of his farm although they could work in the kitchen." 10.

10. http://www.criticalanimalstudies.or...-II-2010-Essay-GREEN-EGGS-AND-HAM-pp-8-32.pdf
This aspect of Joel Salatin's belief system concerns me:

From wikipedia:

Vasile Stanescu, co-senior editor for the Journal of Critical Animal Studies, mentions in his essay, "Green’ Eggs and Ham? The Myth of Sustainable Meat and the Danger of the Local", that “Salatin believes so firmly in traditional gender roles that in the past he did not even accept women as workers or interns for the farm labor aspect of his farm although they could work in the kitchen." 10.

10. http://www.criticalanimalstudies.or...-II-2010-Essay-GREEN-EGGS-AND-HAM-pp-8-32.pdf

LOL yeah he get's all those young zombies to work for free at his farm doing all the daily operations, while he rakes in the chili $$. He's like a chicken farming socialist LOL. Like I said it's a cult, I wonder if the interns have to give him any money to work for free at his place ?? in return for his BS.

So why don't some of us OT's get rich and start up a new internship program, complete with a fancy title and everything LOL. We probably won't make any $$ using tried and true good Ole farm management pratices and treating people right LOL. Oh well it was good idea.
This aspect of Joel Salatin's belief system concerns me:
From wikipedia:
Vasile Stanescu, co-senior editor for the Journal of Critical Animal Studies, mentions in his essay, "Green’ Eggs and Ham? The Myth of Sustainable Meat and the Danger of the Local", that “Salatin believes so firmly in traditional gender roles that in the past he did not even accept women as workers or interns for the farm labor aspect of his farm although they could work in the kitchen." 10.
10. http://www.criticalanimalstudies.or...-II-2010-Essay-GREEN-EGGS-AND-HAM-pp-8-32.pdf

I found this out firsthand, believe me. And I saw an exchange between him and his wife...I can recognize the signs~my dad was the same way x10. He was affronted by the questions I asked, became surly within milliseconds of the questions, which were very non-confrontational...just wanting clarification of a situation I saw here and there. He treated the women and children horribly and was very inconsiderate of the elderly and children on the tour that day. I guess you could say I saw the little, rude man behind the curtain in the great city of OZ.

Eh you'd probably just want to go sit shirtless on some woman's couch anyway.

Priceless, Galanie!
A pic of shirtless Al on the front of the book would no doubt sell him many books. I think we should have him kicking a rooster in the picture... can you imagine the groupies he would collect??

LOL yeah he get's all those young zombies to work for free at his farm doing all the daily operations, while he rakes in the chili $$. He's like a chicken farming socialist LOL. Like I said it's a cult, I wonder if the interns have to give him any money to work for free at his place ?? in return for his BS.

So why don't some of us OT's get rich and start up a new internship program, complete with a fancy title and everything LOL. We probably won't make any $$ using tried and true good Ole farm management pratices and treating people right LOL. Oh well it was good idea.

Al, when last I read about it, they were paid $100 and room/board.
I don,t feel a bit sorry for the zombies..but I do think the birds are getting the smallest piece of the pie. Salatin has hoodwinked way too many people.

Finished catching up on all the posts and sure have enjoyed them. I've laughed and taken notes. sure appreciate all the wisdom.

Al, how is your AI program going?
interesting but very misguided article. i dont agree with salatin's choice of cornishX as his meat birds but agree with some other of his views.
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