Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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He has nothing to complain about in that department either.
See post #10854

Hehe, I can't really comment. We are moving into a whole new lifestyle. My husbands workplace is closing for good after years and years. He was due to retire September 2013 so we are more fortunate than others. Wiping is exactly what I!m worried about. (And the mites)
Okay went out to give the flock their ff for the day and found some of the chickens had most likely killed a male cardinal, hadn't been dead long still warm to touch, but they were pecking on it. Do I need to worry about them catching something? He looked healthy other than his eyes were already gone. yuck. The wild birds do try to sneak feed when they get a chance I'm thinking this one tried at the wrong time.
Not an OT by any means (and a "newbie" at that...for what that's worth;-), but my ladies devor mice that my kitties catch and seem to be just dandy with it!
I've seen many things written about what chickens will eat (mice, snakes, frogs..etc..) so I would not be alarmed by this cardinal at all. Can't control the little creatures that make their way in and around the homestead is my thinking, and if my lovely ladies want to snack on them, more power to 'em!
My daughter added parakeet feed to my scratch it has orange oil added in it will I have to throw the scratch out?
Orange oil is great for chasing away ants and bugs.The little amount in the seeds might be for packaging and human scent. It is also used for deterrents in seed factory's to keep bugs out of the feed. No one wants to purchase a box of seeds and have it loaded with ants.
Not an OT by any means (and a "newbie" at that...for what that's worth;-), but my ladies devor mice that my kitties catch and seem to be just dandy with it!
I've seen many things written about what chickens will eat (mice, snakes, frogs..etc..) so I would not be alarmed by this cardinal at all. Can't control the little creatures that make their way in and around the homestead is my thinking, and if my lovely ladies want to snack on them, more power to 'em!
chickens..... and as found out a few years back....ducks love to eat all kinds of critters and go after some pretty large rodents, snakes etc. This is a very large Shamo female with a rat....not a mouse.......didn't take her long to devour it. The rat was alive when they met up. I post this picture in the threads that claim chickens should only eat twigs and nuts.

I woke up in a cold sweat! Bad dream! I was checking my chickens feet and saw little lice around thier feet! Got up to let them out this AM and had to check feet.... No lice, You guys are killing me!!
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