Chickens get their first ever pumpkin!!!

Ditto....mine LOVE the seeds. They will only eat the meat of the pumpkin if there isn't a whole heck of a lot else to munch on. They always get their daily ration of scratch and layer formula, but things like pumpkins and such are a frequent treat. The funny thing is, they really love squash! Be it acorn or patty pan, they'll gobble that up like there's no tomorrow. But for some reason, they just aren't all that fond of pumpkin meat!
Who knew chickens had such discriminating tastes?
I throught the last 2 pumpkins I had in the run today and they devoured them! Before I could even break them apart several of the larger Black Australorps had holes in them form pecking them! They love when I throw treats in like pumpkins!
My girl's eat all but the outer skin.

They love orange pumpkins...but REALLY LOVE white pumpkins. IF I throw both types cut in half in the run, they will eat all the white pumpkin before touching the orange one..hmmm

So next year I am adding white pumpkins to my garden.
I purchase approximately twelve pumpkins during the fall season and decorate with them. After Thanksgiving, I take one a day, cut it up in small pieces and cook it on medium heat in a large pot with half a pot of water. I add a little sea salt and then in the end, add any old bread I may have and mash it with a potato masher. My chickens gobble it up faster then you can blink!

I originally tried giving them raw pumpkin that I had broken open, and they only had interest in the seeds. With the above method, there is no waste and they truly love eating it. This morning it was 21 degrees and I served their pumpkin warm and it was a good moroning "warm up" for them!
I'll go one better -- when mine get pumpkin, I DO come after them with an axe!

Well, a hatchet, really, and it's only to open the pumpkin in the run so that it's makes the least mess possible. When soup day comes, and I come out with the hatchet, all the chickies will run to be first in line

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