Chickens hanging out by back door


In the Brooder
May 13, 2016
Baton rouge louisiana
So i have 3 birds who are about 8 weeks old now. I've been letting them free range in my backyard for 2 weeks, but they have decided that their favorite spot to sit is my back door.

Ive become used to the idea of them pooping everywhere, but its a little rediculous to have it in large quantites on the rug!

I think i might have to put some chicken wire on my gate, but i really just dont understand why they prefer to be there instead of out in the yard picking around for bugs.

Does anyone have sone insight on this?

Go to the link here for pictures.
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My two hens do the same thing! Mine hang out there because its cooler (It's in the shade) and they're usually waiting for me to bring them out treats. Maybe yours are the same way?
Our chickens are very aware of when we open our back door .... yes, treats!!
My birds come to the back deck and STARE while we are having supper (sliding glass door).
They look absolutely pitiful! They know where mom is at all times, I swear. They will even peck the glass if I am taking too long!
They are treat hounds in a feathered coat!
I have said this before and will say it again-- when I retire, I am writing a book.
It's already titled: Chickens on the Back Porch.

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