Chickens have completely stopped laying eggs for past 4 months

Hi everyone,

I have five, 3 year old hens- one RSL, two BO, two EE. They typically lay a lot less in the winter but even my RSL has totally stopped. It's been months since we have had eggs. The last few eggs my RSL had were large and hard- different than her normal eggs- not sure if that information matters. Behaviors seem normal as well as appetites. Has anyone had this go on with their flock? Are 3 year old hens of these breeds considered old? Would they already be slowing down at 3 years old? Thank you!
Hi everyone,

I have five, 3 year old hens- one RSL, two BO, two EE. They typically lay a lot less in the winter but even my RSL has totally stopped. It's been months since we have had eggs. The last few eggs my RSL had were large and hard- different than her normal eggs- not sure if that information matters. Behaviors seem normal as well as appetites. Has anyone had this go on with their flock? Are 3 year old hens of these breeds considered old? Would they already be slowing down at 3 years old? Thank you!
What are you feeding them? I know many have had the same problem due to the feed they were buying had changed ingredients and the birds were no longer getting proper nutrition, they have all changed feed and birds picked up laying. I believe they were using producers pride feed from TSC just some information I came across thought it was worth sharing just in case
What are you feeding them? I know many have had the same problem due to the feed they were buying had changed ingredients and the birds were no longer getting proper nutrition, they have all changed feed and birds picked up laying. I believe they were using producers pride feed from TSC just some information I came across thought it was worth sharing just in case
I have read and heard reports of this issue as well on many platforms. Does anyone have a solution as to what to now feed them? Incredibly troubling.
I would expect production to start as day light period increases. Your birds, especially the RSL, have definitely passed their most productive years. I'd be thinking about adding some pullet chicks this spring if I wanted consistent egg production.

What are you feeding them? I know many have had the same problem due to the feed they were buying had changed ingredients and the birds were no longer getting proper nutrition, they have all changed feed and birds picked up laying. I believe they were using producers pride feed from TSC just some information I came across thought it was worth sharing just in case
I heard that too. I had been feeding them Nutrina layer crumble which was 16% protein. I am using the same brand but different type- now 18% protein. I've also added some mealworms to their diet recently.
If you have a feed store nearby, call or stop in. Ask questions about what type of feeds they have, and how much protein is in them. The feed stores likely have fresher feed at a better cost. I prefer a grower feed with oyster shell free choice. If you only keep hens, a layer will work fine. Also, to add additional protein to their diet, a can of sardines a week is fun to feed.
Good luck!
Hi! My three year old Easter eggers and RIR are laying every other day, my Plymouth blues are more sporadic. I switched to a local feed mill in September after having bugs and really stale feed from my local feed store (organic Purina). It may be worth seeking out a feed mill. My neighbor has 40 chickens and none were laying, where as I was still getting 3 to 5 eggs every day at that time. I'm getting six every day now. I have nine hens.
Hi everyone,

I have five, 3 year old hens- one RSL, two BO, two EE. They typically lay a lot less in the winter but even my RSL has totally stopped. It's been months since we have had eggs. The last few eggs my RSL had were large and hard- different than her normal eggs- not sure if that information matters. Behaviors seem normal as well as appetites. Has anyone had this go on with their flock? Are 3 year old hens of these breeds considered old? Would they already be slowing down at 3 years old? Thank you!
Your not alone. I have only gotten 3 eggs since July from my established hens. I have 10 layers that are now turning 2. Production was great but completely stopped at the end of July. Also almost every farmer around me also has had production completely stop. Tractor supply is our main shop in the area. I was using dumor 16% and producers pride at tractor supply. I left a comment on these forums around July where I said the feed / crumble I was using was killing all the grass where I threw it and people said it was just chickens scratching but I know the difference in the dirt. I had a bad feeling then about it. It's too many people now that it's not coincidence. Mine free range and get sunflowers as well. I've never ever seen something like this. I found a feed mill today about half an hour from me and will see is something changes. Purina also owns dumor and producers pride so avoid those. Im worried gmo seeds may have sterilized them completely.
Your not alone. I have only gotten 3 eggs since July from my established hens. I have 10 layers that are now turning 2. Production was great but completely stopped at the end of July. Also almost every farmer around me also has had production completely stop. Tractor supply is our main shop in the area. I was using dumor 16% and producers pride at tractor supply. I left a comment on these forums around July where I said the feed / crumble I was using was killing all the grass where I threw it and people said it was just chickens scratching but I know the difference in the dirt. I had a bad feeling then about it. It's too many people now that it's not coincidence. Mine free range and get sunflowers as well. I've never ever seen something like this. I found a feed mill today about half an hour from me and will see is something changes. Purina also owns dumor and producers pride so avoid those. Im worried gmo seeds may have sterilized them completely.
My girls are all laying, and have been through most of winter. I feed those feeds. I have more eggs than I know what to do with! You do what you feel you need for your flock, but mine is performing at 100% capacity.
Your not alone. I have only gotten 3 eggs since July from my established hens. I have 10 layers that are now turning 2. Production was great but completely stopped at the end of July. Also almost every farmer around me also has had production completely stop. Tractor supply is our main shop in the area. I was using dumor 16% and producers pride at tractor supply. I left a comment on these forums around July where I said the feed / crumble I was using was killing all the grass where I threw it and people said it was just chickens scratching but I know the difference in the dirt. I had a bad feeling then about it. It's too many people now that it's not coincidence. Mine free range and get sunflowers as well. I've never ever seen something like this. I found a feed mill today about half an hour from me and will see is something changes. Purina also owns dumor and producers pride so avoid those. Im worried gmo seeds may have sterilized them completely.
I stopped using Purina last fall, the feed was either bug ridden, or really stale. I switched to a local feed mill. My hens never stopped laying, I have two pullets, two two year olds and six three year olds. @Marcy74

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