Chickens have stopped laying eggs!


In the Brooder
Nov 5, 2018
I have a flock of four in central Texas, and the weather has been quite strange. The winter has been very cold, then warm for a while and cold off and on. My plants seem confused and are budding to produce fruit, then lose their buds when it gets cold. My hens are doing the same. They have been laying off and on now. Last week they all lates one egg every day. Today I only got two eggs, and their numbers have started to vary. I’m wondering if something is wrong with them, or if they are just “confused” with the weather. They began laying last spring, and have layers an egg a day through summer, fall, and winter. Now they are tapering off. They are only about a year old. Surely they can’t be stopping for good, right?
They are just taking a break, it’s what most chickens do. No need to be concerned, they just don’t really like laying when there are big weather changes. Hope this helps! :)

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