Chicken's head/neck completely pecked by older chickens--What care should we administer? Graphic pic

I don't know the end to the story of the original post but I can say our hen did just fine. She was moved from the dog crate to an adjoining pen with a sick chicken so she had company and we found out who was being the biggest bully and removed her to the crate. After about a month we put the picked on hen and her no longer sick friend back with the main flock but kept bully out for another month. This totally changed the pecking order and although the picked on one is still low in the order she has done fine. She is the only black hen so we think maybe our Reds are racists!
My Ethel turned out just fine! This happened and with Underwood's she completely healed! Her skin grew back together and her feathers grew back, just in a weird formation. She is healthy and doing well, and trying to work her way up the pecking order too!

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